
APR. 21, 1981, 6:03 AM

Your class last night, o son, had its focus on population… and there were several other incidents that I can tie in with this theme. So hear as I speak a meditation to you concerning population.

I love individual souls, but I also love this wonderful earth. Sometimes those loves seem incompatible, but I know, and I affirm to you, that it is perfectly all right to love “things” that are yin and yang with each other. My most clear example, in the realm of spiritual principles, is the love of justice and mercy. The God of Which I am the functioning Spirit is a Just God, concerned with creating and ruling over a just world. But justice can bring hurt and pain, even if it is deserved. So I also love mercy, and I represent a Merciful God. I love these both, though they certainly do conflict with each other.

In like fashion the population of souls inhabiting bodies in this earth now is large and beginning to reduce, overall, the beauty of My Creation, Earth. Now I admit that humans can create beauty… make beauteous things. The natural beauty of the unpeopled earth is like unto pure, stark justice. I like the beauty humans create, and, of course, humans are, themselves, one of My most beautiful creations. But My initial statement stands: humans, fine as they are, are threatening the fineness of the earth.

What can and shall I do about this? I can allow and I can cause. I can allow the natural concomitants of a large population to make certain lives shorter than would be expected. The course your culture is on now will eventually reduce population, perhaps by war. You shall lament this and work, in some ways, to prevent such, but I shall allow it. There shall be personal losses for almost everyone, but also “in the quiet of the dawn a little soul is born”.

Or, as I said, I can also cause some early deaths, the giving up of something good for something better. No one will be able to discern clearly, what I cause and what I allow but just know that there can be some of both.

From both Simon and Commoner you heard words that could translate to one alternative… called by a term I like – voluntary simplicity. Sacrifice is one of My favorite spiritual principles, and sacrifice of some necessities and most luxuries has always been an alternative to the sacrifice of earthly lives. In the pictures of Djakarta there was little beauty in the shacks and living conditions of the poor, but beauty galore in their young and old brown faces. Sacrifice is a means of having more population… but not a very popular one.

APR. 21, 1981, 6:03 AM

Your class last night, o son, had its focus on population… and there were several other incidents that I can tie in with this theme. So hear as I speak a meditation to you concerning population.

I love individual souls, but I also love this wonderful earth. Sometimes those loves seem incompatible, but I know, and I affirm to you, that it is perfectly all right to love “things” that are yin and yang with each other. My most clear example, in the realm of spiritual principles, is the love of . . .

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