Positive Health… Positive Living

TUES., JAN. 27, 1998, 6:34 AM

The “positive” has been the approach to health and to life that I have urged on you in this last portion of your career… and on into Emeritus. This means focusing on the positive features of your life and paying as little attention as possible to aches, pains, and disabilities, evidences of less than perfect functioning. You have done this rather well, but it’s obvious that you need some help with this current experience of pain. Let’s see if I can help.

In the earth as I have created it and do sustain it there will be times and experiences of aches, pains, and discomfort. You have had “less than your share” in your 71+ years of life here… this time. In one sense this has been karmic… you haven’t needed pain experiences to balance actions and motives that “need balancing”. But now you are having experiences that are not easy to explain nor to live with.

You have compensated rather well with the feet that are partially numb and the foot that shows a minor loss of function. You walk almost “normally”, and you can run, though you’ve let that capacity wither more than was necessary. Oh, I know… you needn’t compulsively continue what you did easily as a younger, athletic man, but you do know that if “you don’t use it, you’ll lose it”.

Life is not to be lived just for length, but for positive purpose. You no longer have regular, assigned classes. You have few continuing responsibilities. But I have called you to this unique, positive “mission”. Listen. “Hear” Me. Write what you “hear”. Then use these Teachings as I direct. (It appears that you’ve survived this latest Ruminations difficulty, so get the rest of these out this week. A positive assignment.)

Your reading of material other than these Teachings and of Scripture has not yet happened, as you expected it would. You need positive motivation for this, not just “it’s better than excessive TV watching”. Your next “life rhythm” is developing, but more slowly than your expectations for it. You thought it would be easier. Your “working life” had quite a firm hold on you, and it doesn’t give up without a struggle.

Unlike many humans of your age your work was a very positive part of your life. You didn’t look forward to giving it up. What I must urge on you now is a comparably positive approach to this life phase you’re now into, looking for the pluses rather than just comparing it with the best of what you had. You want to do this, but it isn’t as easy as you hoped it would be.

You want to think of your body in positive ways, but it’s hard to know what to do with these unexplained aches and pains. You contemplate some medical opinion, but is this still within the “positive realm”? It doesn’t seem positive to you to have to control the pain with pills. Yet you take a number of pills and capsules to enhance your positive health. Why not take the aspirin as a way of maintaining positive feelings rather than just as pain relief? Yet you’d… sorta… like to know why you’re having such aching experiences. What will you do?

It could be posed that positive living, here in the earth is doing all you can to prolong this life, physically, and having continuing goals for this life. But I call this a better way: you needn’t reduce the value of this present earth life, but just see it in a bigger context… what has been and what will be. Life continues, in the spirit, when the joys and the aches of this earth life cease. The more positively you live this life the better you are preparing for the journey onward.

TUES., JAN. 27, 1998, 6:34 AM

The “positive” has been the approach to health and to life that I have urged on you in this last portion of your career… and on into Emeritus. This means focusing on the positive features of your life and paying as little attention as possible to aches, pains, and disabilities, evidences of less than perfect functioning. You have done this rather well, but it’s obvious that you need some help with this current experience of pain. Let’s see if I can help.

In the earth as I have created . . .

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