Post-Christmas Musings

THURS., DEC. 27, 1984, 7:26 AM

You have found a place, o son, and it certainly is time for you to return to Me and this practice of Ours. Christmas is past, and the visit to these children and grandchildren also draws to a close. True to your way of living life you shall move on to the next scene or adventure, and shall savor the process as it goes. Always remember that the process is fully as important as that to which it leads.

Let Me muse on that first. I came to the earth as Jesus, and the process of that incarnation is what you just have celebrated as Christmas. The details from the Gospel accounts have been recounted, and embellishments have been added, certainly. The result: God is in the earth in human form. Then the Scriptures depart from the process I am championing here, telling virtually nothing of how I grew and developed as a human Jesus. Yes, that is interesting and worthwhile, even though it is not included in the Gospels.

The bulk of these stories of Me are about process… the process of My life and ministry and of My final real AND symbolic sacrifice for all… for even you. I taught, and I acted. I told, and I was. And thus I set a general pattern for life, no matter what the time or the culture. It is important to use My life and My teachings as a model for life… yes, in 20th century U.S.A.

At the same time, I admit that it is not easy to make application of a relatively itinerant life of preaching, teaching, and healing to the day-to-day lives of most of My servants, who must work, support and raise families, and deal with a complex economy. So when the process becomes cloudy, go to the result. That is the other great Christian celebration – – the last Supper, the arrest, trial, and crucifixion, the death and then the resurrection. Why? In order that grace might abound and that lives lived in any culture, under any circumstances, might be sanctified and free from the sin that abounds, instead, if you are apart from Me.

Christmas is past as a celebration for 1984. Symbolically I now am in your midst to help you with life in the earth. There is much to think about and deal with (yes, the trivia of life) and processes to continue. You have a winter season ahead with its special challenges and frustrations. You shall not celebrate Easter until the Spring, but though that is an important remembrance and celebration, you have the result of Easter always in your heart and being. The grace I offer you have accepted, and you have responded to this special offer from Me, the Holy Spirit, to learn how to become more aware and more appreciative of earth life, even as you live it… and to anticipate the continuation of spiritual growth, on beyond this earth experience.

There were certain gifts you did not give. It certainly is not too late… it is never “too late” to give appropriate gifts. In fact, I do have some trouble with the accumulation of gifts, all to be opened and appreciated in one short period of time. Use the Christmas experience as a process that you can carry out all through the year. Give those gifts of time and yourself, and accept the responsibility of fulfilling your commitments, particularly to Matthew and to your parents.

THURS., DEC. 27, 1984, 7:26 AM

You have found a place, o son, and it certainly is time for you to return to Me and this practice of Ours. Christmas is past, and the visit to these children and grandchildren also draws to a close. True to your way of living life you shall move on to the next scene or adventure, and shall savor the process as it goes. Always remember that the process is fully as important as that to which it leads.

Let Me muse on that first. I came . . .

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