Postmodern Life

SUN., MAR. 6, 1994, 2:30 AM

Postmodern life cannot be described with any clear sense of accuracy. There will be ever so many conditions, decisions, and interactions… everything will be affected by everything else. Your concept of adaptation as a vital element in health will become more important, as well as more recognized. Then there is that multi-factor about which you just have been reading – shortages because of increasing population, and waste which accumulates and negates good balances.

As I have told you repeatedly I do not like the damage that is accruing in the total ecosystem of the Earth, the damage that comes from an increasing number of people just living plus some number of them “living well.” (Another factor important to Me is the waste of material and energy that goes into military weapons… the waste of wars.) Yet I have not decided on any course of action to remedy this. If I decide on some particular way of reducing populations this will obviously have effects on postmodern life.

I have no strong feelings against technologies, even as you can find no Scriptural verification for how I would feel. I am more impressed with those which are more and more efficient in their use of energy (and, therefore, production of waste). I am less impressed when machines make people obsolete, with nothing worthwhile to do. How a postmodern world deals with unemployment without just more “production” will be one of its supreme challenges.

One of the most positive features of this life, now developing, is the more conscious inclusion of spirit as an acknowledged dimension of life and of health. This will be realized and described in quite a variety of ways, but it will be an improvement over the “blackout” of spirit which modern life has encouraged. This attempt has been only minimally successful, so it is not so much a matter of “resurrecting” spirit but of just letting it “flow more freely” again, in a different atmosphere.

Naturally I want My Christian religion to flourish as a means for spirit to grow. Yet I also recognize the diversity in this human population of Mine, which means that there must be alternative ways of encouraging this desired growth. Even as there is a wide range within Christianity, the range of human spiritual needs is even greater. Wouldn’t earth life be “easier” if all were Christian? Probably… but less “interesting” overall. Just know that I have the capacity to make every knee in the world bow to Jesus, the Christ. So while I could do this I have not chosen to do so. While this would seem to make for a better world, My omniscience tells Me that diversity is to be preferred.

Postmodern life will not be without its problems. As usual, these often will develop out of strengths. I asserted that adaptability will be evermore essential for effective living… which means that those who find adapting difficult will be less healthy, happy, and functional. Thus, those of you interested in furthering good personal and community health will have to keep devising ways of encouraging better adaptation or of making adaptation easier.

More emphasis on spirit should include the truth that spirit doesn’t die, which should translate to fewer heroic attempts to keep bodies alive. “A time to be born and a time to die” should take on a more important meaning… when it is time to die just gently pass on over, with spirit often benefitting. With a more “balanced” view of physical death My actions in diminishing the human population will not seem so “ungodlike.”

SUN., MAR. 6, 1994, 2:30 AM

Postmodern life cannot be described with any clear sense of accuracy. There will be ever so many conditions, decisions, and interactions… everything will be affected by everything else. Your concept of adaptation as a vital element in health will become more important, as well as more recognized. Then there is that multi-factor about which you just have been reading – shortages because of increasing population, and waste which accumulates and negates good balances.

As I have told you repeatedly I do not like the damage that is accruing in the total . . .

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