Postscript To A Parable

SUN., AUG. 13, 1989, 6:30 AM

This morning, as you offer the sermon/homily, you still are not certain about including your parable on predestination. The question is… should you? The answer is Yes. Though it doesn’t fit in perfectly with the David story it is a nice addition that shall provoke some thought about relationships here in the earth.

The tie-in is legitimate, for David certainly was chosen and predestined for all that he did in life. Now this does not mean that he was completely “programmed,” so that he had no free will… no choices. He was chosen because of his spiritual development. Yet his predecessor, as king, Saul, also was chosen, but couldn’t make the right choices. The story would have been different if Saul had performed well as king. As it worked out the challenge to David was greater. He met the challenges and was greater because of them.

I choose and I direct. How much I direct and influence is the great “art of being God.” If I am too dominant I may get My way in a particular situation, but the person I am choosing and directing does not grow in the process. Hence My major purpose is thwarted. David “came through” many times on his own. He could have killed Saul on several occasions. He chose not to, on his own. And I loved him for that, for it made the story a better one than if he had been weak, scared, and vengeful. He trusted that I would protect him, and that killing Saul personally would not make him the King I wanted him to be.

On the other hand he was vengeful to little Michael, his wife and Saul’s daughter. She objected to his wild dancing before the Ark and she told him so. He reacted too violently and did not forgive her. This was weakness on his part.

Then he loved Bathsheba, who was another man’s wife. It was a sin to arrange for Uriah’s death (though I obviously have no strong objection to deaths, since they sometimes fulfill My purposes). But David atoned for that and did love Bathsheba. I found her suitable for the lineage to the next king, and even on to Me, as Jesus (symbolically, of course). I even nudged her to make a strong, forceful case for their son, Solomon, to be the successor to David.

No human can know My ways. I choose and elect some for earth tasks. Some fail because I allow them to be insufficient. Then I must adapt My purposes. Others succeed and fulfill My expectations, and My “plan” moves along. And in some instances I literally force an individual to do as I wish… so that that one’s growth may be thwarted so that My purposes can be achieved. I had to do this only occasionally with David. Mostly he chose to do what I would have him do.

The purpose of earth life is spiritual growth for individual souls. Obviously this is very complex, and I do have other purposes and plans, some long term, others quite short and situational. As I have told you in many ways I enjoy being the Triune God of all existence. I have fun choosing and electing certain persons for roles or tasks in an earth life. As your parable says, some I choose early, others in mid-life, and others later. Many others are not chosen or predestined but develop well, on their own. It is a wonderful mixture, and I call it perfect.

Yes, recall your high school senior year experience in track. You were not chosen by the coach to be on the team. But your developing spirit shown forth, and he gave you the chance. You succeeded and were an important part of a winning team. I am always on the lookout for souls who desire to serve Me and who can help with purposes of Mine. I am always ready to accept “volunteers.”

SUN., AUG. 13, 1989, 6:30 AM

This morning, as you offer the sermon/homily, you still are not certain about including your parable on predestination. The question is… should you? The answer is Yes. Though it doesn’t fit in perfectly with the David story it is a nice addition that shall provoke some thought about relationships here in the earth.

The tie-in is legitimate, for David certainly was chosen and predestined for all that he did in life. Now this does not mean that he was completely “programmed,” so that he had no free will . . .

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