
WED., MAY 14, 1986, 5:55 AM

Yes, o son, this is the title I would have you hear about this morning. I have given you many Teachings about alcohol, and I do urge you to utilize these, and/or the Ruminations on this theme, in your upcoming class. Pot is not a substance you use for its effects, but it is one about which you shall speak during these next two weeks. Therefore you should be curious as to what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this mood modifier.

The hemp plant is a valuable plant for human well-being. I created it, naturally, and I am fully aware of all of its potential uses (and some remain to be discovered). Before synthetic fibers it had very practical value as the material for making rope and cloth. In a post-synthetic era it could return to importance.

It is a hardy plant… one that can justifiably be called a weed. In ecological competition it is a plant that is not likely to be lost. It is a good competitor for life, growing well in some variety of climates. I create some things to last… and last.

The major value of this plant now, of course, is in its capacity to modify feeling and perceptions of the world. It is illegal in your culture and is likely to remain so… not because it is so dangerous, but because it is symbolically illegal, and thus it would seem wrong, even sinful, to remove its illegality. So it is the most-used illegal drug in your culture, and people still become technical criminals in being caught trafficking in it. This has an interesting mixed result. On the one hand it can rightly be called a negative, undesirable result, if a prison term is the result. Yet every human situation in the earth has a potential for spiritual growth, and some will grow, even toward Me, as they pay this prison price that society exacts from some involved with pot.

What of its capacity to make you “feel good”? You know I am not opposed to “feeling good,” and I am generally not opposed to the use of the natural world I have created for pleasure. As with most substances that have value it does pose some dangers, and these must be weighed in deciding on use. But this is true of many things, including most prescription drugs, the difference being mainly in the apparent necessity for use. Pot is not necessary, and therefore the balance of dangers is somewhat different than with a definitely therapeutic drug.

The main criterion is one you know well by now. What is pot’s effect on spirit and on the manifestation of that spirit in relationships? If the effect of pot in a person is to make him less violent, less caustic… and more open, more loving, more attuned to others or to the beauties of My created world, then I call it good. If a person who is high on pot turns away from Me and indulges self only then I decry the use. If she turns instead toward Me and recognizes and acknowledges the high as a transcendence toward Me… as a link between the material and the spiritual, then I approve, naturally. Yes, pot can lead to Me. It doesn’t always, but it can.

WED., MAY 14, 1986, 5:55 AM

Yes, o son, this is the title I would have you hear about this morning. I have given you many Teachings about alcohol, and I do urge you to utilize these, and/or the Ruminations on this theme, in your upcoming class. Pot is not a substance you use for its effects, but it is one about which you shall speak during these next two weeks. Therefore you should be curious as to what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this mood modifier.

The hemp plant is a valuable . . .

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