
AUG. 31, 1980, 6:01 AM

You have been away from these meditations for some time, o son, so I have several matters on which to comment. No single theme this morning.

You are doing fairly well in getting ready for your study. The reading and test and case study development for the Walter Reed course still must be done. Today and tomorrow are available for some of that. Then set aside some time, but remember, Tuesday is the day you begin the “spiritual quest”. Set goals for the week, get cards and notebooks, and prepare both systematically and for that which “just comes up”. You are beginning to be aware of statements, items, and ideas that you shall find in your recreational reading. Put them on cards and await their ultimate value.

Notebooks (small) shall be for conversations and for personal observations. As you do with these meditations record the date, time, and place. In some cases these may be useful.

Begin with the Gospels, putting in at least an hour a day. I shall direct you as to what it is you are seeking. At the same time begin rereading and gleaning from these meditations. This is not the organizational task. That shall come later. You also shall see what the Bhagavad-Gita has to say about spirit and health.

Fear not about the organization. As you see, I shall provide both general directions and details. Actually, of course, it is a joint project. My Spirit is hopelessly intertwined with your spirit, and, though I am wholly Other, I also am a part of you and, in this, your mind and Mine and your spirit and Mine work as one. So, it is you and Me, but, more accurately, youandMe.

You are frustrated as to what to do in relation to Matthew. This is a great challenge for your middle age. See it, importantly, as such. Writing a letter to him is a good idea. Do that, but not hurriedly. Consider carefully what you shall say. He is not your “little boy” any longer, but neither is he a man. He shall not be what you would have him be… at least not in the ways you would prefer. Many decisions will be hard… for him as well as for you. Know that confrontations are necessary, and their results shall not always be predictable. My story of the Prodigal Son shall have some application in the future.

AUG. 31, 1980, 6:01 AM

You have been away from these meditations for some time, o son, so I have several matters on which to comment. No single theme this morning.

You are doing fairly well in getting ready for your study. The reading and test and case study development for the Walter Reed course still must be done. Today and tomorrow are available for some of that. Then set aside some time, but remember, Tuesday is the day you begin the “spiritual quest”. Set goals for the week, get cards and notebooks, and prepare both . . .

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