Power And Me

WED., JUNE 28, 1989, 5:36 AM

On Sunday last you assisted in worship, and you sent the congregation from that sanctuary with the charge that began, “Go out into the world in peace” and ended with “… rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.” I am that Holy Spirit, and I would speak to you this overcast morning about this power that I certainly do have.

As I have told you many times and in many ways, I have tremendous power that I mostly choose not to use. In this sense I am, strangely, like unto your nation as a military power. You have tremendous power in arms of various kinds, but you mostly choose just to maintain the peace by maintaining these in readiness, not in use. (No, I don’t like this analogy, but it has a certain aptness.) My incredible power as Almighty God created this earth, the life forms, and processes for maintaining life.

This included death, the need for food, and a certain amount of suffering. I’m sorry… there just was no better way to create this special realm for spiritual growth. So I still have the power to prolong life, to provide food, and to ease or even eliminate pain, but I rarely use such powers. And yet they are not diminished, for I do use them, in certain situations of My choosing.

I hear many prayers for the prolongation of life and the avoidance of death. I heed a few, some very dramatically, but mostly I let the natural forces hold sway. The power of death is a necessary one for continuing balance in life. Some individual persons seem to live lives that are too short, while others live beyond the time when they can be helpful to others. I usually let these extremes be, for, in general, death is playing its expected, essential part. I don’t object to your praying for the continued life and someone you love, for I do sometimes respond with saving power. It’s always worth a try!

The Scriptures tell of My providing manna, a simple nutritious food, to the people of Israel when they wandered, hungry, in the wilderness. I had, and still have, the power to create food and provide it miraculously. Occasionally I still do this, mostly in simple situations that go unreported in the world press. Mostly I work through the spirits of people who use their talents, energies, and means to provide food to those who have insufficient. It is not nearly so miraculous… and yet it is. That second version of the loaves and the fishes story is a different kind of miracle, but a miracle, nevertheless. When I can get people to share what they have intended for their own use, this is a kind of miracle.

The power to counter suffering is displayed in several different ways. My preference is to energize the spirits of those suffering, so that they “get on with life,” serving others, all of which diminishes suffering. For suffering is worst when a person is focusing on self and on the cause of the suffering. Urging the spirit of the sufferer to go beyond self is the kind of miracle I like best.

Suffering is a part of earth life. A certain amount is necessary for a worthwhile life. The suffering of others offers the opportunity for you to do what you can to relieve it. These are some of life’s best opportunities. You pass up too many of these… too many chances to be part of a miracle.

My great power is in influencing lives toward service to others, with others, and to Me. I prefer to use this gently, even subtly, and so much of what I do is not discernible from natural actions. I’ll just say that this earth would be quite a different place without the effects of My powers. I also work through angels, spirit guides, and other spirit forms, abetting their powers to help with life and to counter destructive powers.

WED., JUNE 28, 1989, 5:36 AM

On Sunday last you assisted in worship, and you sent the congregation from that sanctuary with the charge that began, “Go out into the world in peace” and ended with “… rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.” I am that Holy Spirit, and I would speak to you this overcast morning about this power that I certainly do have.

As I have told you many times and in many ways, I have tremendous power that I mostly choose not to use. In this sense I am, strangely, like unto your . . .

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