Practical Philosophy for a Life

This is the actual “commandment” that represents Bob Russell’s Practical Philosophy of Life.
It comes from “Reentry”, June 23, 1979

“Whatever you are doing, if it is worthwhile,
do with a fullness of purpose and a gladness of heart,
And worry not about things not being done.”

And early in the friendship between the Holy Spirit and Bob, this advice was given in “Old Year”, December 31, 1979:

“Live this day as if it were your last and as if it were one of an infinite number (which it is).
Be aware. Appreciate.
See Me in as much of what you do as you can”

And the Spirit had a “Mantra”, which developed over many years. It was directly spoken on July 1, 1999 in “And Now… What Do I Say?”:

“Life is fundamentally spiritual. Earth life is a means of increasing, or diminishing spirit. Bodily death is of little importance, given this priority. The length of a life has little overall relationship to its quality, from My perspective.”

And what does the Holy Spirit say about spirit in life? This is from June 2, 1989:

“Spirit is what develops or recognizes purpose and meaning in life”

And on occasion, the Spirit would give specific advice.
This one is from “On The Brink”, July 14, 1989

“A Day’s Advice”

“Renew Acquaintances made in other years

Seek Out new people

Initiate Conversations about theological matters

Do Some reading

Sleep minimally

Sing joyfully

Be Ready for unexpected opportunities”

Here’s the Spirit’s “Basic Prescription”.
It comes from “An Elderly Muse”, March 4, 1990

“Live life with awareness and appreciation.

Give to others.

Serve Me.

Live each day as if it were your last AND as if it were part of a long, continuing life.

Be as ready to come on over for new spiritual adventures as you are to remain in the earth.

Continue to muse.”

And some of the Advice is more “eternal”… a bit “longer term”… like this one titled “If This Were Your Last Day…” from August 31, 1997:

“… What if this were your last day on earth, as Bob Russell?

First, of course… Nothing would be more appropriate than tuning your spirit to Me, and hearing words of wisdom and advice.

Since it is a Sunday you should go to church and worship in a familiar place with a congregation of friends… Savor the whole experience of worship on a Sunday morning in summer.

Conversation… contemplation… appreciation… these are the ways I recommend spending days on earth, your last or just one of many more.

Cut some grass and feel the life in your body, including the sweat that exertion produces on a summer afternoon. Fertilize the roses, even if you were to see no more blooms. Cut down a tree. Plant another one, symbolizing that life replaces life. Feed your animals, and appreciate the life they have.

Watch some football, if the teams are “appealing”, remembering how participation in that game enriched your young life, directly and indirectly, and how coaching others to play well was a “giving-back” process.

Listen to and appreciate some music, for music is part of every realm I have created.

Consider the balances between activity and rest… between interactions with others and contemplation, with Me as your Guide… between being responsible and taking time to be irresponsible, in your culture’s terms.

Now that I have given you some directions for the “spending” of a “last day”, let this be a guide to any and every day that you shall live this earth life.

And on occasion the Spirit will repeat the theme that Bob is to champion in his life:

“Life is fundamentally spirit, and the purpose of earth life is spiritual growth, toward selflessness and back to Me.”

The Spirit also has occasional “bumper sticker” reminders for Bob. On February 2, 1991 he gave a couple:

“Accept Opportunities” … “Make Others” … “Love Fully”.

Professionally, the Spirit gave lots of advice. Here’s a good one from October 15, 1991:

“Health is fundamentally your full capacity to be who you can be, a gentle model for those looking for purpose.”
“Health… is a life lived fully in dedication to Me, the Triune God, with a maximum of faith in Me, a maximum of love for the humans with whom you interact, a minimum of concern for length of life, pain relief, and other medical machinations, and maximum feelings of joy with the events in this earth life adventure.”

And there are lots of reminders of the way things REALLY work. Like this one from April 20, 1992:

“I come to you as an external voice, a Spirit with countless, incredible experiences in earth life. Yet you also know that I am with you as a constant internal companion… as internal as your heart, lungs, and brain. I want you to be centered on spirit as the unifying dimension of your life. … I want your central motivations to be service to others, with a positive, happy outlook, not one of dogged compulsion. I want you to continually work to improve the environment, being a quiet, functioning positive part of this incomprehensible web of life that I have created.”

Or this one from March 17, 1999:

Yes, it’s Both/And. Actually it is that even with hardened hearts some will come to Me. And some whom I call won’t come or come, but then “fall away.” With some it is a process in stages.

You are a good example. Permit Me to “use you.” First, there was… and is… a destiny to your life. Your spiritual development before your life as Bob Russell was sufficient for this “attempt.” Your life work was to be a teacher – a guider of learning. So you needed a rational education, and one sufficient to qualify you for the university level. You also had a destined life partner, so that factor had to be “worked in.” You had choices, and you made the right ones, with My help. (How much? It matters not.)

My Scriptures, including this Gospel of John, were a means to bring you closer to Me and help you realize that you were “born again.” This was both your “choice” (How free? It matters not.), and My guiding, and your destiny. Then, not quite 20 years ago I made another “move.” If you were “ready,” spiritually, you would take this opportunity and stick with it. My Teachings to you began, you responded favorably, and you became, slowly but surely, a mystic, when you knew very little about this possibility in human life.

And lots of advice on healing and medical care. Here is some from September 17, 1993:

“Continue your positive life-style, and enjoy the health you have. Pay as little attention to the departures as possible. Adapt. Compensate. Don’t focus on disabilities, which shall gradually increase. Be the enthusiastic teacher, the warm letter writer, and the merry Christian that I call you to be. Most of your needed health care can come from Me.”

And then some comments on personal renewal… a time of rededicating self to the tasks of life. From April 2, 1994:

“To see the spiritual in as many of life situations as possible.
To love life itself and as many people in your life as possible.
To hear Me regularly and to feel and utilize the power that My Presence gives you.
To Enjoy the life you have, with as little concern as possible for those departures from perfection.”

“Renewal” was recast as “Goals” 5 years later, with advice on “A Single Goal”, March 20, 1999:

“But this morning I’ll speak mostly about… having a single goal in life.

As you might expect My nomination for a single goal in life would be to serve Me… in a variety of ways…

One “service” of which I certainly would approve is this listening to Me, writing down these Teachings, using them as the basis for Our Ruminations, and keeping them in some order, so that they could be available to some others after this earth life of yours is pau.

Another form of service is a mutual one: you and Lenore caring for each other, each making life somewhat easier and pleasanter for the other. Since I was quite involved in bringing you together… I see it as a service to Me when you each serve the other, in continuing love.

You serve Me in what you do for the ongoing life of this portion of My Body, Presbyterian, of which you are a part.

It also is a service to Me to interact positively, warmly, and cheerfully with all those you meet and with whom you interact. I want human life here on earth to be as pleasant and happy as possible… and I accomplish this through many servants, like yourself, who in small and larger ways encourage one another.

The only way I can make it easier for you is to recommend, again, in a new context – do whatever you do with a “merry heart,” a positive attitude, and as a service to Me, your God and Friend. That’s the only single goal I favor.”

As retirement nears, advice on how to view a slowing body. From January 31, 1997:

“Don’t let your life become drab, just to prolong it. Appreciate that while bodily death may be akin to a sunset and then darkness, for you it will be quite a glorious sunrise, with more consciousness than you can imagine, now. Just trust.

You still have responsibilities, and not fulfilling them can be bothersome. Work toward new balancings, taking your slownesses into account…deciding what to do and what not to do. Consider the importance of this. What you do is not as important as how you do it. Be aware. Enjoy. Appreciate. Live each day… even small portions of each… as if it is your last… and then arise thankful that there is yet another. … And, by the way, have Fun!”

A “summary” of the Philosophy toward Life, in “It’s Called Pain…”, on May 25, 1998:

“The nub of My teachings can be summarized to: live life positively. Perceive what has happened in positive terms… and… what you shall expect in positive ways. Look for positive relationships, even when this does not seem dominant.”

Advising toward a more holistic way of looking at life, here’s some advice on how to change the view of life. From “An ‘Odd Time'”, June 12, 2000:

“Rather than “trying” excessively and compulsively for new and exciting experiences, let your motivations be toward awareness and appreciation of all that life is, even the ordinary, presumably unexciting times and events.”

After 20 years of daily advice, the Spirit gave some advice on “Contemplation”, on June 25, 2001:

“Contemplation… can be of the past. This can be your personal past, as you remember it, but, now, should not be limited to what happened… but why and what were the consequences? As you remember certain times and events and contemplate them you should be able to recall… or realize, for the first time… why something happened and, how did it affect your life.

The first step is to remember what happened… and then be able to describe such. Then contemplation could help you tell why this was important… or not, and how it related to past events or experiences.

Your memories go back till you were about 4 or 5 years of age. So this means you have at least some “raw material” from 70 years of earth life, as Bob Russell. Don’t pick “an approach” without trying out… chronological continuity OR events and times as they “come up.”

(Contemplation)… is also needed for the present. This means contemplating what is about to happen to you, how it “went”, and whether there was some special meaning to what you experienced. If you attempted this, somewhat often, you could discern more meaning in present experiences, which could be valuable. … Also realize that, often, one memory, “dredged up,” will trigger another one, unremembered. And if you contemplate current happenings or activities, one recall may bring forth more than you expected.

You have been one to enter into experiences rather wholeheartedly, being a participant, seeking to do your best. This shall continue, but now I recommend a “balance” with more… stepping back and contemplating the “scene” as it is happening. You do this, some but now I recommend more of this “back and forth,” or “in and out.” Whatever you’re doing… back off and consider “what this is?” and “why?”

(Contemplation)… can and should also “target” the future. You may consider that you don’t have much “future” as Bob Russell, here in the earth. Well, there certainly will be fewer years than “have been,” but take some time and attention to projecting into the future… as if you will be here, in some form… OR that such contemplation will be good for your soul, as it moves on to… whatever and wherever.

Now I realize that such a “closing” could suggest that your future “in heaven” is not assured. Just don’t forget to what I have led you in this life – a “wider picture” than just a “sedentary” heaven OR an uncomfortable hell, for eternity. Rather I have made you aware of “Many Mansions” – that your soul development continues, in “appropriate” ways, until there is no longer need for growth, and you “merge back into” Me. You are still part of the spiritual “whole,” but no longer in need of a personal identity.

As a practical American it isn’t easy or natural for you to contemplate a future beyond this earth scene… and what you have known… in which you have participated. But there IS a “world” beyond (actually, “worlds” would be more accurate), and there are writings that describe this in several ways. Do some reading in “Left Behind,” and go back to other stories that have given you “pictures” of the future. And don’t “dismiss” the Scriptures… Contemplate. I’ll help.”

As the physical losses accumulate, the Spirit has advice on how to continue living well. From “…While Thunder Rumbled”, on August 11, 2001:

“The thunder rumbled, occasionally ominously, and you were reminded of these “losses” of yours. But now the thunder is no more, and you are writing on, “as of old” You will have more of these “personal thunderstorms” as your life continues. Note them, but don’t give them much attention. Re-read Teachings. Ponder My words to you. Exercise your body, but give little attention to the “news of the day.” You should be slipping more and more out of “the mainstream” and more and more into the life of the spirit, that goes on, when body parts fail.

Twilight is a wonderful time of day. And so is this time in your life when you are increasingly both in this world and the next. You are privileged to be enjoying it.”