Praise Ye The Lord!

DECEMBER 30, 1979, 1:19 AM

This is what you have forgotten to do, o son of Mine. You have beseeched (that would have been an appropriate title, but not quite as good as this one), but you have not praised. Just as I look most upon what you do… and do well… rather than on your sins and shortcomings, why not do the comparable – praise Me for what I have done, rather than Beseech Me for the life and soul of one dear to you? You know that I know your needs, and that I care for your whole family. There is nothing wrong with beseeching, but it does show some lack of faith. Oh, I know you have faith (since I allotted it to you), but life’s tests are always ultimately of faith… for those whom I have chosen and who have heard My voice.

Praise ye the Lord! He hath done mighty works, and greater than these shall He do! You need to be as positive in prayer as you are teaching young people to be in health. Praise is the positive. Be thankful and simply praise the Lord for all that you have. Though the fig tree shall not blossom… yet will I sing praises to the God of My salvation!

It now crosses your mind… is that a general, good rule for dealing with Matthew, Lenore… others? I can say it is… (though it does not solve all individual problems!) Praise for things done well. Then some reminders of things that could be better. You almost responded angrily to Lenore’s frustration and anger. You did not, and that is as it should be. She has a right to her feelings. Never deny her this expression. Be secure enough in the knowledge of My will and My Omnipresence. I shall not tell you what to do in situations like this one. You weren’t all right, but you weren’t all wrong. Just work it out from here. What you did was done. Learn whatever there is to learn from it.

Yes, it is interesting that the book on Angels should come from Wilma Ruth, with whom you feel the least Christian rapport. Yes, it definitely is something I want you to know about and accept as another of My effective ways of entering this earth. I, the Spirit, come to mortals when, and where, and how I choose. Sometimes it is directly, but one of My best and most dramatic is through angels. Again, remember My admonition not to be concerned with ways in which My messages differ. Focus, instead, on the positive… on the similarities and ways of alikeness. No single source can encompass all the truth I have for My servants. Take what is helpful. Know that you, too, have responsibilities to be My communicative servant.

Praise ye the Lord! Life is not perfect for you, but reflect upon your blessings. Think upon the ways that Matthew is a worthy son. And yet work, gently as I do, upon those ways that could improve. You shall still influence him, but he is a soul apart from you and from his mother. This is not easy, but it gives you a glimpse of the feeling I have with so many of your fellows (even with you, of course).

Praise ye the Lord! There is so much to be thankful for. So much to marvel about. Keep your perspectives. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. And don’t spend time feeling righteous. Thanks and praise are the conditions of heart, mind, and spirit that keep the right balance of view on all things. Life is good for you. Make it better. Give of yourself to others. Consider the needs of all and make the decisions necessary. Assess and see. Learn and help others to learn. Love others as fully as you can… not for what they do, but for what they are as children of Mine.

That’s pretty good. Continue it tomorrow, and as his year goes along. You can learn much from this last experience of son-raising. Praise the Lord for that.

Thank Wilma and share a bit with her of this meditation – learning time We have together. She really would like to know.

Praise ye the Lord! That is the message in time of trouble and in time of blessing. (For these are usually the same). Be My servant this day. And I shall be your Helper and Comforter and Guide.

A Happy, Praiseful Amen
2:25 AM