Pray For…

SUN., NOV. 1, 1992, 5:55 AM

This morning, as part of your assistance with worship, you shall offer the morning prayer. It is a prayer to Me, some combination of acknowledging Me as He to whom you should pray, of thanking Me for what you have, and of asking Me for some “favors,” some general and some specific. You shall not ask for miracles, even though that is always a possibility. Your prayer should have balance… and should be not too long and not too short.

I am the ultimate source of all that makes life possible. I have established this planet earth, through what you would call “natural processes,” and it continues to function by these. I can intervene and “change things,” but I seldom do. I am the Creator and Sustainer of life, and part of this, as a natural process, is sickness and death. You don’t need to thank Me for these “processes,” even as they are vital to the health of this earth.

I do guide and I do influence, and therefore you may pray for special guidance for leaders in this time of history. Your nation has many strengths, but “its reach is often beyond its grasp.” You want more than you can or are willing to pay for. You want jobs now that cannot be generated in a short space of time. Believing so firmly in medical care as essential for continuing health you want “health care” beyond what is reasonable to fund. Yet it is appropriate to thank Me for health, of individuals, of your church, your community and your nation. I am a factor in the health you enjoy, and you can pray for more.

There is much peace in the earth, despite some obvious conflicts. I see and appreciate much more peace than strife, and I do not lose sight of the many who come to Me, in a wide variety of ways, desiring to live peaceful, productive, caring lives. Even many who are part of the conflicts still have peaceful spirits, which creates unfortunate stress in their lives. So, you can thank Me for the peace that exists, and petition Me to encourage more peace, where wars prevail.

You will have individuals for whom you will be asked to pray, whom you may or may not know. Remember that I hear all prayers, and those that come for certain persons, from you and from those in the congregation, often have a mystical and wonderful effect. That is part of My “natural process,” which is more important than My infrequent interventions. Prayer does have healing “capabilities,” out of the spiritual power from which is originates and from the power that it generates.

It shall be appropriate to pray for an increased spirit of giving in your congregation. Remember, however, that it is the spirit of giving, beyond your own wants and needs, that is important, rather than the actual money that is raised. Money seems to be quite tangible (and you do have coins and bills that are… quite), and yet, in your culture, an increasing number of money transactions are almost mystical, in that “money changes hands,” without there being any tangible money involved. The spirit of giving is thus more important than the actual coins and bills that a check or a credit card represents. Pray for an increased spirit of giving, that the money actually given be seeds of hope.

Pray for the souls of those whose lives were taken while in direct service to Me. They came on over peacefully, firm in their confidence in Me and in the work to which I had called them. They are in a long tradition of saints whose lives have been shortened by service in My name. “Coming over” is very special when death comes as sacrifice for Me. As Jesus I gave My life that each of you might have life more abundantly. It, finally, was not necessary. It was not taken from Me, even as it appeared so. Thus it is that true saints give their lives rather than have the lives taken from them.

SUN., NOV. 1, 1992, 5:55 AM

This morning, as part of your assistance with worship, you shall offer the morning prayer. It is a prayer to Me, some combination of acknowledging Me as He to whom you should pray, of thanking Me for what you have, and of asking Me for some “favors,” some general and some specific. You shall not ask for miracles, even though that is always a possibility. Your prayer should have balance… and should be not too long and not too short.

I am the ultimate source of all that makes life possible . . .

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