Pray For Peace

TUES., MAR. 6, 1984, 5:48 AM

You are here, o son, on what should have been a cold morning. The fire feels good, but the cold is certainly not wintry. You are here to listen as I speak about praying, about peace, and about other spiritual and mundane matters as well. You are eager for a word from Me, and I shall respond, sooner or later.

Most prayers for peace are supplications – cries for Me to intervene and prevent bloodshed, death… and the holocaust modern war could be. For some the present looks like a prelude to war, and I should be able to help prevent the escalation. Since there are destructive wars now being fought another prayer I hear is for My intervention to stop such conflicts… even to bring the adversaries into some loving, productive relationship. I do intervene in some instances, even as this allows injustice to prevail. Peace is preferable to war, certainly, but peace may not bring justice automatically.

The basic reason people are not just with one another is that it does not seem to be in their best interests so to do. This can be called greed, and in some instances this is certainly the correct term. But greed always is more apparent in others than in self. Most of your countrymen prefer to see your nation as hard working and industrious, admitting to a bit of environmental luck… than greedy. You would deplore poor people taking up arms to take land, power, and goods away from others, but your people would fight to retain the advantages you have, refusing to see this lifestyle as an example of injustice. It is good to pray for the spirit of sacrifice… and not the sacrifice of life to retain an advantage over others.

Another appropriate prayer is one of thanksgiving for the relative peace that still prevails. If you assume I can halt and prevent wars, then you should also believe that I am doing so at this moment. How many wars are not being fought because of My influence? It is right to be thankful that your sons are not forced to military service, and also that many other youth are spared this danger.

You also may pray for economic peace, but if peace should be a peace of justice, then your nation, and you personally, would have to share more of what you have with those less fortunate… and less able. Economic systems are nearly always non-peaceful. I have no economic system. I sometimes influence economic matters, but in most cases the advantage of one is the disadvantage of another. Justice can rarely be achieved without pain to others, even when it is deserved.

Yes, there are many ways, actually, in which life could be disrupted. If today is one of relative peace, have I caused it to be so? or have I allowed it to be so? Have I helped maintain the economic system for yet another day? Is faith in My power appropriate? I’ll leave you to ponder this.

TUES., MAR. 6, 1984, 5:48 AM

You are here, o son, on what should have been a cold morning. The fire feels good, but the cold is certainly not wintry. You are here to listen as I speak about praying, about peace, and about other spiritual and mundane matters as well. You are eager for a word from Me, and I shall respond, sooner or later.

Most prayers for peace are supplications – cries for Me to intervene and prevent bloodshed, death… and the holocaust modern war could be. For some the present looks like a . . .

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