Prayer… A Gift

SUN., AUG. 11, 1996, 5:28 AM

He who offers the prayers for the congregation this morning… that’s who you shall be. But first, that question that represents the most obvious difference between these Teachings, to you, and the published conversations between Me, as God, and Neale, another “servant” of Mine. Did you come here at this early hour of your own free will or were you responding to a call from Me? I seem to say to Neale that I don’t call… I don’t force. Yet his story of the early experiences is one of responding to My action, which was not something to be expected nor even desired.

I say to you that this morning is a nice amalgam of your will and mine. You wanted to have a Teaching, but you also wanted to be fully ready for this morning’s worship leadership. You set the alarm, but not in time for both. Did I awaken you at about 5:20 and “suggest” that if you came for a Teaching at this time there would also be time for “work” on your prayer? And did I “suggest”, with this title, that the Teaching could be of help with the prayer assignment? I tell you, quite directly, that My Will was involved.

Mostly I do let human wills prevail, and if you were one who believed strongly in free will, of your own, I might let that prevail. But since you have no personal objection to being chosen in this way and being guided by Me I’m quite honest in admitting that I don’t always wait for your “free” choice. I never give up power always and in every situation. I just don’t.

Prayer, as you will lead it this morning, is a gift from Me. Oh, it shall appear that you are offering your words as a gift to Me. But the words will represent thanks and supplications and affirmations of yours, for the congregation, yet the process is a gift from Me. I have given you the right and the privilege of praying to Me. You should agree with the affirmation I made to Neale: prayers should be first, foremost, and mostly thanks for what you have received. Supplications without thanks, no matter how sincere, do not attract My attention.

Yet remember that I told you that I don’t “need” the thanks. I want them because of what they do for you. Prayers of thanks acknowledge Me as One Who has given, often without being petitioned. It is a matter of giving up something good… your independence… for something better… an interactive interdependence with Me. At one time you take the initiative. At another you acknowledge that I lead. It is not Master/slave… in either direction.

You can pray for My help in Frank’s healing, for I can help the body to “regroup” after an accident. Yet Frank’s body is old, and so My help begins to shade into the miraculous. It would truly be a miracle if Florence regained both physical functioning and vigor… with the sharpness of mind and memory that she had when you first knew her. You won’t offer a prayer for her easy death, but it would be more of a blessing to her spirit and soul than continued life as it is.

Yes, you can be thankful for relative peace in the world. There still are conflicts, many of which arise from differences in how I am seen and acknowledged in ritual. I can’t force peace… and, remember, this realm is one that allows conflict, for in a strange way it is an effective means to spiritual growth in some, even some whose earth lives are shortened by combat.

Express thanks for the many processes of education, from very formal to very informal. Be most thankful that this is still mainly an activity involving personal interactions. The best education, from My perspective, is when a teacher offers himself as an important part of the process… when spirit is evident in the teacher and in the learners. Be thankful that many who teach do so for the spiritual benefits, which also are shared with those who learn under their direction.

SUN., AUG. 11, 1996, 5:28 AM

He who offers the prayers for the congregation this morning… that’s who you shall be. But first, that question that represents the most obvious difference between these Teachings, to you, and the published conversations between Me, as God, and Neale, another “servant” of Mine. Did you come here at this early hour of your own free will or were you responding to a call from Me? I seem to say to Neale that I don’t call… I don’t force. Yet his story of the early experiences is one . . .

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