Prayers For…

SUN., MAR. 21, 1993, 5:35 AM

Our Ruminations Letter has been completed, as I wanted it to be. If you can actually produce it in readable form I shall be pleased. Yes, o son, you do have plenty of material for another, and that could be the one for this Spring season. I shall surely let you know.

This morning you shall be the worship leader, along with Richard. Your creative opportunity shall be, of course, the morning prayer. You shall choose what to include but hear some suggestions from Me, Who certainly will hear your prayer and countless others on this Christian Sabbath.

“Let the words of My mouth and the prayers of all our hearts be acceptable… even pleasing… in your sight, O Lord.” How’s that for a beginning. Get My attention. Ask that I may help you pray in a way that is appropriate and pleasing to Me.

It shall be acceptable to give thanks for this season of Spring. It is the awakening season… for births and for new growth. I can’t promise that there will be no more frosts and temperatures that retard this growth, but the movement is on toward the warmth and lusciousness of a new but repeated season.

It could be acceptable, even good, to pray for the work of the church women in this community. In various ways they combine their talents and energies to provide money and services that help make this a fairer, more hospitable community, for even those who need much help in daily living.

You shall surely pray for those who are sick, and otherwise in poor health, and I can assist in recoveries, even as My miracles are infrequent. But also give thanks for the health that many of the elderly have, and for their healthy presence in the congregation this morning. If there were more prayers of thanks for health there would be less need for prayers of supplication for healing. Health is, certainly, a large part spiritual.

Prayers for peace in the many troubled places in this earth certainly are heard. I can’t magically silence all guns, mortars, and other weapons, but offer prayers as if I can and will. And don’t fail to give thanks for all of the many homes and communities in which loving peace does prevail.

Pray for those who seek to succeed in some endeavors, with at least some of their motivation being service to Me. I like it when those who succeed thank Me, as if I did help. I also am pleased when those who have less than success turn to Me for solace and seek the strength to try again or to turn their energies in other directions and ways.

I would like the hear prayers for those who serve on boards, committees, commissions… in order that this church, the Body of Mine, might function better and more responsibly. I am not opposed to the institutional church. I just want you, and all who serve in various official ways to remember that this is a very special organization. It is tangible reality and mystical Body… both/and. Serve with this knowledge and attitude.

You shall read a couple of prayers, along with this one that you and I create. Read with feeling and joy. Prayers can be quite perfunctory in delivery, even as the words are pretty well chosen. Be the leader in these prayers.

SUN., MAR. 21, 1993, 5:35 AM

Our Ruminations Letter has been completed, as I wanted it to be. If you can actually produce it in readable form I shall be pleased. Yes, o son, you do have plenty of material for another, and that could be the one for this Spring season. I shall surely let you know.

This morning you shall be the worship leader, along with Richard. Your creative opportunity shall be, of course, the morning prayer. You shall choose what to include but hear some suggestions from Me, Who certainly will hear your prayer . . .

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