
FRI., AUG. 14, 1987, 6:42 AM

A theological theme is what you wanted for this morning, so I offer you one of the best in your Calvinist tradition. You acknowledge that your born again experience had its roots in the Gospel of John and in Paul’s letter to the Romans. In each of these there is a strong affirmation of chosenness. And this, of course, is the foundation for a theology of predestination.

Is predestination an important fact of life in the earth? I have given you the answer in several modes during Our time together, so this will not be sparklingly new. The simple answer is Yes… and No. I want you to find that parable that I gave to you years ago and send it off to My servant Bob, for that contains the truth in story form. Every person in the earth is not predestined, but some are. Of those who are predestined, only some aspects of their lives are so determined. And earth time is not a limiting factor in many lives.

The key point is that you have a will, and I have a will. Each is relatively free, but one of the results of spirit, in you and in Me, is a sense of purpose… a sense that We, each should do certain things that involve others. Wills do not always coincide, so if My will for you does not match your will then there can be a conflict. I respect your will, but I am not namby pamby permissive. Mostly I encourage thoughts, actions, and purposes that lead to what I want for your life, so it is a gentle persuasion. But I can also lead you quite directly.

Theoretically… and by some theologies, normally… you could resist, and I would back off. Under a doctrine of free will, which is more an interpretation than a straight Biblical truth, I would not oppose your will, for I would want you to come to Me and My purposes entirely of your own volition. That is theory only. I am not an overbearing Father, but when I want some service from you, I make that desire known. Last week Matthew helped you rebuild the chicken yard. He didn’t think of that entirely on his own. You asked him to help. He agreed. The task was completed, and happily. You just got his will to coincide with yours, and a task was completed. That is the basic principle of predestination.

I have an infinite number of ways to work in people’s lives. I have infinite knowledge of how individuals will react, and I know how to apply that knowledge. Predestination is for purposes of Mine, not for salvation or not. Salvation is a matter of spiritual growth, and I cannot directly control that. The basic Christian message is, “You don’t have to do it yourself; it has been done for you. Just accept it.” This is a kind of predestination, yet many Christians deny or ignore this message, and spend their spiritual lives trying to earn salvation.

As the parable says, I am not displeased with those who are not called directly by Me. I relate to you in an intimate friendly way, and this is genuine. Yet I am as concerned about Our blasphemous friend Art as I am about you. I feel for those who reject My call or to whom I do not call just as much as for those who hear and respond.

FRI., AUG. 14, 1987, 6:42 AM

A theological theme is what you wanted for this morning, so I offer you one of the best in your Calvinist tradition. You acknowledge that your born again experience had its roots in the Gospel of John and in Paul’s letter to the Romans. In each of these there is a strong affirmation of chosenness. And this, of course, is the foundation for a theology of predestination.

Is predestination an important fact of life in the earth? I have given you the answer in several modes during Our time together . . .

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