Predestination: What Do I Say?

WED., MAR. 12, 1997, 8:52 AM

I had you read the article in Presbyterians Today that dealt with this issue for those of your denomination. Now you can hear Me, the Holy Spirit, as I comment on this important… and unimportant issue. You think you know what I’ll say, for it soon will be 18 years that you have been listening, hearing, and writing like you are now. I have told you much, but I also have repeatedly emphasized the value of repetition… of revisiting vital truths.

As you read Holy Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, there can be no doubt that I do choose and elect certain people for tasks here in the earth. Sometimes how an individual responds to such a “call” seems to be important, but I don’t seem to be awfully consistent in how I respond to these called ones. I called Moses to lead My people, Israel, out of slavery in Egypt. He seemed to do a good job of this, which included bringing down My 10 Commandments from the mountain, but the Scriptures say that I was displeased enough to proclaim that he could not “finish the job” and lead them, finally, into the Promised Land. He had to die outside, but many years later he came to greet Jesus on another mountain, so…

On the other hand David was My choice to slay the giant Goliath and become the best king for Israel. Yet he wanted Bathsheba, so he arranged for her husband to be killed, and he then took her for his wife. Later I was born in Bethlehem, it being important that I was of the house and lineage of David.

Though it is quite possible to read “free will” into Scriptural passages there is no direct statement of this as a feature of earth life. What have I, the Interpreter, told you of this? Simply… both/and… with great variety. A relative few I “call” early in life, and, because of the strength of My Will, they really have no true choice. Others I call at later stages in life, and sometimes with less power… so they can will not to serve as I desire. For the rest… what you would call “free will”. However, the conditions of culture, childhood experiences, and life opportunities can be quite different, so that “free” becomes very relative.

I tell you that no one is predestined for hell and separation from Me. I truly love those who, with love, come to Me as “adopted children”… even late in life. Just as an alcoholic can come to A.A. and sobriety after years of destructive drinking and be truly “saved” into sobriety, so it can be with Me. Remember that I am outside of time, and I don’t bother to keep records of all sins and misbehaviors. I am ready for anyone who wants Me.

I don’t count up points, as you do with your students, coming up with an average that determines the final letter grade. I judge you on your best performance, no matter what has gone before.

Now, of course, the orthodox Christian way of seeing earth life and continuing life is quite like this analogy. A single earth life (and that’s all) is like there being only a single final exam for a course, and it varies in difficulty for different persons. Some have to take it early in the course, while others get more experience in learning. But the final grade is based on this one test, and it’s Pass or Fail. This can be seen as just … or unjust, but that’s the way it is… supposedly.

I tell you… and, of course, this sets you apart from many of your Christian brethren… that your total life is more like a long course, with many tests, papers, projects, and ways to learn. One earth life is only a segment. There are lots of possibilities for “other lives”. When I call and guide you this becomes a good opportunity for learning in relation to spirit. But you could, theoretically, deny the call or fail to do what I call you to do. I don’t judge so much as I counsel and suggest other opportunities.

WED., MAR. 12, 1997, 8:52 AM

I had you read the article in Presbyterians Today that dealt with this issue for those of your denomination. Now you can hear Me, the Holy Spirit, as I comment on this important… and unimportant issue. You think you know what I’ll say, for it soon will be 18 years that you have been listening, hearing, and writing like you are now. I have told you much, but I also have repeatedly emphasized the value of repetition… of revisiting vital truths.

As you read Holy Scripture, both Old and New . . .

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