Predestination, Yet Again

MON., MAY 8, 1989, 7:30 AM

You knew, o son, that I would be nudging you this morning, as a followup to the brief discussion last evening. You needed more sleep than you expected, but, finally, here you are, ready to hear.

First, I’ll say that you “handled the situation” in relation to what I, the Holy Spirit, have taught you… rather well. You were an active participant, and you testified for predestination as you should have. Yet you did not make any assertions about “more than one life” or about heavenly realms, so you came off as an old time fundamental Presbyterian but not one “outside the fold.” That is becoming more difficult for you, but it is what I desire for you. Be assertive of your orthodox, fundamental beliefs, but be cautious in talking about ever-lasting life.

Assure people that you are comfortable as a Presbyterian Christian, for you are, basically. Attest softly and humbly that somewhat like unto Paul you have been chosen for a predestined role in this earth life. You have accepted this “chosenness,” and it makes some demands, but say also, as you did last evening, that in this relationship you have true freedom. You have put off the bondage of doubt and uncertainty and accepted the freedom that comes with the knowledge I offer you. Note that I say I offer you knowledge, not just information. There is much that you cannot know and that I would not have you know, but I offer you more than you can actually process and “deal with.”

The parable that I offered to you (incognito) is as good an explanation, in simple form, as you need. I both call and accept those who come to Me without a call. Those who do not heed the call or that are not called and do not respond… these are My concern, not yours. You know that I am a loving, caring Lord and that I do want each soul “back with Me.” How I manage this and still maintain “high standards” is part of mystery. It does involve everlasting life, but that’s sufficient to say.

I also tell you that I am quite comfortable with the “system” that is earth human life. I love the diversity that I see, and yet I especially love those who acknowledge Me in Jesus, the Christ and who live lives affected by this Christ spirit. I experienced a wide variety of Christian worship yesterday, and I appreciated it all, from the high liturgical masses to the Pentecostal speaking in tongues. Some choose their “style” of Christian commitment; others accept that in which they have been raised; some others are predestined for a path onto which I push them. It’s truly a wonderful mosaic, from My perspective.

Predestination is a display of the power of My will and way. Though I do not control all of the details of earth life or of any individual, neither am I withdrawn, powerless, or unconcerned. I just achieve the perfect balance (by definition) of predestined behavior and that which comes from “free” human choice.

Yes, for example, I have helped in preventing a nuclear war this far. This would not be to the advantage of the earth (to say the least), and so I have “worked with” key people, some of whom have no conscious belief in Me. Yet their spirits responded as spirits always do when I exert My will. Oh, sooner or later there will be a nuclear explosion, but this will serve to turn the powers of the earth against nuclear weapons. How this fits in with all else that is going on in the earth must remain in the realm of mystery for you.

MON., MAY 8, 1989, 7:30 AM

You knew, o son, that I would be nudging you this morning, as a followup to the brief discussion last evening. You needed more sleep than you expected, but, finally, here you are, ready to hear.

First, I’ll say that you “handled the situation” in relation to what I, the Holy Spirit, have taught you… rather well. You were an active participant, and you testified for predestination as you should have. Yet you did not make any assertions about “more than one life” or about heavenly realms, so you came . . .

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