Predestination… Yet Again

FRI., FEB. 19, 1999, 7:25 AM

This, of course, if not a new “topic” for Me to develop for you, but since you’ll be including this in your presentation next Monday, I’ll speak to it this morning… “yet again”.

You’ll suggest some contrast between free will and predestination, but then will conclude that both are part of earth life… in relationship with Me. That is, no human is completely predestined and guided, and, conversely, no human has complete free will… has no relationship with Me. So it is relative rather than absolute. No one is alone and completely free, and no one is an absolute automaton, controlled completely by Me.

Thus, you are part of humanity, with a diverse closeness to Me, as the Triune God. To some I come as the Father God, to others as Almighty God, and to some as an Angry, Demanding God. To some I come as the Gentle, Loving Christ, and to others I Am the Christ Who wants all to come to Me. To you, and to some others, I come as Holy Spirit, being more and less friendly and fun-loving. I can be quite formal and serious, as some of My Teachings suggest, and I can be expressive of the fun that it is being Holy Spirit.

Remember that I have created… and I do love… diversity. Why would I not show forth diversity, then, in Myself? And yet also remember that while I am Three… or more… I also am one… mystical rather than logical.

I’ll also just mention here that “non-Christian” truth that this “one… and one only… earth life is all anyone has” is a maya. (How’s that for a “back-door” truth!?) The positive truth is that each soul is created with the potential for growth… of spirit. There are many realms (but I do like “mansions”) in which spirit can develop, an incarnated earth life being one of the most unique.

Consider, then, this mystical fact. The essence of each of you is spirit. You… it… comes from Me and, finally, returns to Me. (You are each a “perennial” rather than an “annual”, despite earth appearances). Hence some souls are quite “new”, some have had some growth (and regression) experiences, and some are quite advanced. (One of the “agreements” of earth life is that you are not to know how undeveloped or how advanced you are. However, your capacity to hear Me, with pretty good accuracy, is at least a hint that you’ve “been around before”.

Predestination, as I’ve suggested, is some mystical… and unique… combination of your “will” and Mine. But it is complicated… or at least less simple… by the diverse development of spirit in souls of those of you who come, as a human, into earth life. What this means is that what you are predestined for is some combination of My Will and choice and your developed spirit. Yes, then, to some extent you “predestine yourself”. (8:10 / 8:30)

You have grown up in a culture that extols free will… assuming that I just “step back” and let you be and do what you alone will. If you come to Me it is by free choice. I have no “favorites”. Well, with My help you have to be somewhat “counter culture”. I do not choose to not choose.

As Jesus I chose 12 men to be with Me almost constantly, learning from Me. Was that fair? Were these the best of their time? Why no truly learned men? (Oh, yes, that came later when I chose Saul/Paul) So, yes, some of you, in this generation of humans, are chosen, predestined, to serve Me and your fellow humans in some way. Who determines this? I do. You, in your developed spirit, do. We do.

FRI., FEB. 19, 1999, 7:25 AM

This, of course, if not a new “topic” for Me to develop for you, but since you’ll be including this in your presentation next Monday, I’ll speak to it this morning… “yet again”.

You’ll suggest some contrast between free will and predestination, but then will conclude that both are part of earth life… in relationship with Me. That is, no human is completely predestined and guided, and, conversely, no human has complete free will… has no relationship with Me. So it is relative rather than absolute. No one . . .

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