
THURS., SEPT. 10, 1981, 5:31 AM

The preparation for this lecture series has proceeded well, o son, and now you are ready to face the classes this morning and try to develop within them, a concept of health. Preparation is important in both earthly and eternal tasks, so let Us consider the values therein.

You are prepared with notes and transparencies and handouts, but, more importantly, your preparation lies also in years of teaching and of living. You have taught a variety of classes… different ages, different sizes, in a variety of settings. This shall be another, which shall be like some others, but also unique and special in itself. Approach it this way: you are well prepared, but, still, you have never done this before so it lies ahead as an exciting, somewhat frightening challenge.

You shall talk this morning in holistic terms, so let Us consider preparation in holistic context. You are physically prepared for a health presentation in that your physical appearance is one of good health. Feel the vigor that you have, and show it forth. Mention your disability if it seems appropriate, but in the framework of health. Intellectually, you are well prepared. You have developed these concepts, and no one understands them as you do. You also understand young learners of this age, and you are ready to gear the presentation to their capacity and speed. Be aware of all that you know and appreciate the values in repetition. If you have too much, feel this, and save some till the next lecture… and repeat.

Emotionally you feel mostly excitement. This is a good emotion, as long as it is teamed with confidence. You know that things could go wrong, and there is a frightening quality to this acknowledgement, but you also feel that in such situations you generally do well. Feel this experience all the way to the feet shuffling at the end.

Socially, this is the beginning of recognition with these young students. Don’t be afraid to interact with some and show yourself as a friendly professor.

Spiritually, you are prepared. You know that this opportunity is one that has been prepared for you and that shall be part of your spiritual mission in this last portion of your active career. You are able to communicate a spirit in what you do… a sense that you are energized by a source beyond yourself. This is My influence, of course, and need not be identified openly, but personally… yes.

THURS., SEPT. 10, 1981, 5:31 AM

The preparation for this lecture series has proceeded well, o son, and now you are ready to face the classes this morning and try to develop within them, a concept of health. Preparation is important in both earthly and eternal tasks, so let Us consider the values therein.

You are prepared with notes and transparencies and handouts, but, more importantly, your preparation lies also in years of teaching and of living. You have taught a variety of classes… different ages, different sizes, in a variety of settings. This shall be another . . .

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