Present Convictions

MAY 20, 1980, 7:14 AM

Let us review, this morning, o son, your “muse in the sun” yesterday, which should be the basis for this morning’s conversation with Joyce. You should begin with your childhood and youth – faithful to the church and Sunday School, active, learning a heritage, going to camp… don’t forget this, for it was important as a solid base. But also remember that yours was a divided world. Your life in the church and your life in school, athletics, Comus, etc. were almost separate existences. This was not bothersome to you. They didn’t fit together, but both were important. That is an important condition. It shall still apply, but with a different rhythm.

Then you discovered you were a Calvinist, for you had a strong sense of predestination and chosenness. The letter of My servant Paul led you closer to Me, just about half your life ago. You have stronger evidence of that Truth now, but it was beginning to be evident then. Yes, this is evidence of your development as a soul through other lives. You became a Presbyterian. That was your choice, but it is acceptable to Me. It is a good choice, and a good part of your life, but is not one of My firm requisites. Being part of a church is, but not necessarily the Presbyterian.

Next came your first introduction to the idea of a more extended life than this one now evident. Isn’t it interesting that you retain so much of that learned from My strange servant, Fred Spiegelberg? He would not call himself My servant… but, in fact, he was. It was a gentle beginning for an understanding that has grown well over the years.

Then came another gentle happening. (Your life has not been one full of explosions and crashes). The leading of My servant John brought you to be born again, accepting Me, Jesus, as your Lord and Savior and acknowledging a special, personal relationship with Me. Of course there wasn’t much to it then, in comparison to now. But acknowledge the important birth, there in the Menlo Park church.

And for all these years there was a pretty real separation between your professional life and your church and spiritual life. Yet, importantly to Me, each was building, with strength and integrity.

At one point, fifteen years ago, I tested you out in this writing meditation. You were developing well, but were not yet ready for the service to Me that I most desire. But I had you persist so that you have a strong memory of this practice. It was a beginning to your heritage… at least in this life. (Yes, do reread some of those this summer.)

You have also been led to a further understanding that resurrection is a normal condition of life. There is birth, life, death, life in other realms, and rebirth. You have done well in accepting this and becoming comfortable with it while retaining your more orthodox faith. Now you are gently beginning to put them together. Fine… but don’t hurry. Feel My leadings.

This experience… this that We now do together… also began gently, but had a little more explosive quality to it. The new rhythm that I teach you shall have you still remaining a solid, recognized, respected health education professional, but now beginning to unite this with your “other life” through the spiritual dimension of health. Your Death Education class has afforded the best opportunity so far, and that shall continue as a medium in which spiritual experiences and insights shall be expressed and explored.

Your present convictions are that you have purpose in being in this earth, that I have chosen you for a small but important task, that the relationship with me, the Spirit, is an equal relationship with Me, Jesus Christ, and Me, God Almighty. You have virtually no sense of evil because of your conviction of My Power and pervasive influence… just as health overrides illness. You are open to My Teachings and to the leading of My Spirit. You have not yet reached enlightenment. Be proud, yet humble.

Talk with Joyce today. Learn from her.

8:12 AM