Present Family Crisis

AUG. 2, 1980, 5:10 AM

Hear, o son, for I shall speak of matters relating to your present family crisis. Go ahead and ask for a message through My servant Mabel. You can use many sources to help with decisions that lie ahead. Know that I speak in different voices. Hear Me in as many ways as you can.

Don’t expect that this meditation that We do together is a basis for solving or preventing all of the problems and dilemmas of life. It is a means to learning, understanding, awareness, and appreciation, but it shall not give you perfect magic answers to situations like this one. Know that I care and that I observe and I help in certain ways, but you shall have to work out what you think is best. I really am more interested in the process than in the result… though I am concerned about all of you who are involved.

I can say what is perhaps obvious – there is no course of action that shall not have some pain involved. You are hurting now, and more is in store. This is an important aspect of your life, and, truly, it shall be a source of growth for all of you, if you’re willing to appreciate and acknowledge all that happens.

It is too early to say how this shall affect your sabbatical project. The sabbatical is important in a number of ways, so do not consider rejecting it. However, there are a number of ways to do anything, so know that while what you have designed has true merit there are other ways that could be considered. This present crisis will not just “blow over”. It must be considered as an important factor in how you do what you do this Fall. Consider the alternatives carefully. Know that if change is necessary much good can come, also, from a new approach.

The family is one of My great “creations,” but consider that it is as often an arena for conflict as it is a haven from strife. Anything that has the power to do great good always has the capacity to do comparable harm. You wonder how I, as Jesus, would have functioned as a husband and father. You know that was not part of the purpose in My being in the earth, but it certainly is all right for you to consider such questions.

Authority and strength are important, but so is meekness and reconciliation. Each has a place, and part of the challenge of life is to apply each at the right times and in the right proportions. You must balance the rhythm that is you, restore the balance when it teeters, and consider new balances when the old seem not to work well anymore.

AUG. 2, 1980, 5:10 AM

Hear, o son, for I shall speak of matters relating to your present family crisis. Go ahead and ask for a message through My servant Mabel. You can use many sources to help with decisions that lie ahead. Know that I speak in different voices. Hear Me in as many ways as you can.

Don’t expect that this meditation that We do together is a basis for solving or preventing all of the problems and dilemmas of life. It is a means to learning, understanding, awareness, and appreciation, but it . . .

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