Principles And Foundations

DECEMBER 22, 1979, 7:25 AM

“I have showed thee, o son, what is good. But what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Me, thy God.” Micah said that, and it is a good, tight summary of the foundation of life as a servant of Mine. It is good to review fundamental principles from time to time. Why not this morning?

The most basic requirement is the last… walking humbly with Me. You do this fairly well, but you acknowledge it more in time of stress than in normal, good, day-to-day life. The ideal is to acknowledge walking with Me many times during each day of life. “Humbly” also must be qualified. It would be more accurate to say, “humbly and proudly”. You are humble before My Majesty, but proud to be in My Company. And you know that it is I, the Spirit, who communicates with you, and this relationship is one of true friendship. Humility and pride are still important, but these are put in perspective by friendship.

We have talked, several times, about the yin and the yang of justice and mercy. These are fundamentals, both essential, but in an eternal balancing process. Also, as I have told you, the balance is not the same for each person. Your “skew” is toward mercy, but this is not a standard for all. You feel “what if my task would have been to do justice?” (which it is, some of the time). Your personality would have been different, and you would have been able to do that well (as you do… most of the time… when this is your task.) Though I have all of My servants and friends (these are equally true) do certain things that are not easy for them, basically I match personality and task (and each of you has a role in this process, too) in order that My will might be done more efficiently.

However, efficiency is only one value, and not My highest one. My basic “system” is efficient, but the important tests that life requires undermine efficiency. The balance is eternally being restored and yet skewed as a test. (That’s as good a way to say it as any.)

Another fundamental of life is to appreciate and love what you have, rather than living only in hope of something else. This is not to negate the importance of hoping and praying for that which is seemingly better. It is to say that much of the time what you are experiencing is, in My balance, the best or the most necessary. Your capacity to see the value in all that you are experiencing is one important measure of your walking with Me. This has been interpreted by some as detachment, and there is some merit to that. But what I commend to you is something better.

It is to be fully aware of all that is happening in your life, to appreciate the value of these happenings, and to feel the appropriate emotions that these events evoke… and, finally, enjoy the experience because it is part of your walk with Me.

The rain outside is one of My blessings. Joy in it… and in the rather pleasant temperatures that go with it. The papers you have are overwhelming, but approach them with a happy, thankful heart. The time is not sufficient for all that must be done. Be joyful in the time that there is (knowing, of course, that time with Me is simply infinite). Do whatever you do with love, compassion, and openness to My hand in it.

I realize that it is difficult to balance different realities… or, better, different perceptions of reality. You are coming along well. It shall become more and more difficult for you to return to a naturalistic perception of reality. You are moving inexorably toward the perception of My involvement in all significant aspects of life. Yet your task is still to be on both sides. That’s your challenge.

This day has much promise. See how good you are at applying these principles of which We have spoken to the events of this day. Remember to assess near its close. Walk humbly and proudly with Me. Christ in you… the hope of glory.

8:40 AM