
OCT. 17, 1980, 6:13 AM

Hear, o son! You asked to be awakened to hear the Word of the Lord’s Spirit. I awakened you (a few minutes late), and you were refusing the invitation. You had better hear a teaching on priorities. It is not that there is anything wrong with another hour’s sleep. It just is that this writing meditation must always have priority if I want it to. And you shall clearly know when I want to talk to you. As your song says, “…it is I who have searched for you”.

Priorities are essential when you must choose between different “goods”. You can feel what some of the priorities are. I shall put it on your heart and mind and spirit to know what others are.

You were thinking yesterday on the ride down here about some work at the Farm this next week as a priority… cleaning up, cutting weeds, filling holes, starting the mulching process. This sounds good as long as you keep your spiritual priorities right… you approach the Farm with a happy, buoyant spirit, feeling the spirit that is there, and working to improve the spirit, not just to clean the place up. It is a matter of attitude, affected by spirit. And it is an essential priority.

You must also, however, put in an hour and a half to two hours a day on the indexing of these teachings… title, date, place, and 3-4 main themes. You know where most of the information for your study is coming from. Remember, now, that your final product will be stories, so footnoting and precise referencing will not be necessary. You shall have other references, but This Source shall be, in actuality, “El Primo”.

I shall lead you in your reading. Los Viejos was an example. There are some useful points there, and you might not have gotten around to reading the book on your own. Trust Me to lead you into important sources and activities. But you still must make choices and set priorities. I am guiding you, but not making your decisions. If your top priority is to hear Me, however, you don’t have to waste much time in decision-making. This becomes difficult only as you stride off on your own. And I think this is less and less likely. You’re becoming “hooked” on My counsel.

OCT. 17, 1980, 6:13 AM

Hear, o son! You asked to be awakened to hear the Word of the Lord’s Spirit. I awakened you (a few minutes late), and you were refusing the invitation. You had better hear a teaching on priorities. It is not that there is anything wrong with another hour’s sleep. It just is that this writing meditation must always have priority if I want it to. And you shall clearly know when I want to talk to you. As your song says, “…it is I who have searched for you”.

Priorities . . .

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