
FEB. 3, 1981, 5:43 AM

You recall, o son, that this title is one We have used before, and it should be interesting to you to go back and see what the previous one covered. It certainly was different from the focus of this day, for some of today’s concerns are certainly unique. Hear My thoughts on your task of setting priorities.

Since you are writing this in this early morning hour I start with a Hallelujah! I shall always encourage you to take this first hour of the day, no matter how early, to commune with Me. We talked once of Communion and the advantages both to daily and to infrequent celebration. I do not require now that you come daily, but it should still be your priority. Just know that any morning there may be a lesson of uncommon worth.

Today the priorities are diverse. John Patrick is in the hospital, and this early morning shall be a time of determining the state of his being and the nature of his becoming. You are right in feeling Lenore should be there, if only one of you can be. The little granddaughters are priorities, too, and he needs to feel that you consider them so. Prayer and concern for him shall be your important contribution. He shall consider how the consequences of one priority, his martial art, shall affect those for the future. Yet the fundamental truth is that the consequences, whatever they may be, even unto “death”, are opportunities for spiritual growth and more enlightenment. No decision is a bad decision if you are ready to be aware and to appreciate the consequences. So it shall be with John Patrick and with all of you today.

Another priority is the preparation for that which affects Matthew’s future. This, too, must be approached with prayer and with responsibility. Yet hear the same truth. The consequences, even of todays meeting with the attorney, are opportunities for maturing of spirit, Matthew’s and yours. The deed has been done. How can the consequences lead to a widening and deepening of the realization that the true realities are of the spirit… and of the Spirit? You shall one day see how wasteful you are of opportunities. And this is a shortcoming you share with most people, even most devout Christians. Every event is, fundamentally, an evidence of Me. This is My world, and thus shall it be. Whatever the outward appearances, and whatever rational, mundane, economic decisions must be made… the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof… the world and they that dwell therein. Be wise in the ways of the world. Learn from these opportunities. But also appreciate, as deeply as you can, what they mean in terms of spirit.

Your course outline has not been accomplished. You must also arrange for the books. Both of these are necessary, yet not crucial. There is much good that you can develop in that Springfield class. Be properly concerned with this.

The Church Newsletter awaits your composition. You think of this in terms too grandiose. It is a simple exercise in spirit, comparable in many ways to this that We do. The items are before you. Just write them with words that have feeling. Fill the columns, ask My blessing, and let the consequences be Mine… on to other tasks. This one is not inconsequential, but it is one you can do with dispatch… out of your developed spirit. Delay no longer.

My other priorities lay awaiting… the tape for Michael and Wendy, letters to Wilma Ruth, Larry, and Judy, Ruminations and your Christmas letter… the write-up of your Study… the Spirit as Unifying paper. Priorities are difficult when you have such ostentatious opportunities. Though it seems difficult, each shall be accomplished, but only as you keep them as priorities and do not let your daily time be wasted on trivials. Know your values… and your calling. Balance your being with others and your writing. Balance your preparation and your actual doing. Know that I am with you in all you do… and in all that happens. This is the supreme priority. Be My servant. Appreciate this day and its events.

Shalom… really.
6:36 AM