
THUR., NOV. 9, 1995, 5:24 AM

It is early on a not-so-cold morning, and you have come to hear Me, the first time this week. I’m aware, of course, of the events of this week for you… the reasons why you have not put this pen to this paper. Nevertheless I must chide you for some skewed priorities. Your current study of Isaiah tells you clearly that I, as Almighty God, have wrath, and I’m not shy about taking it out on those I have chosen and do love. I shall not smite and devastate you, but I must remind you, again, of priorities. Yes, I did awaken you, and I did bring you here for this Teaching. You truly could not have turned Me down. So much for free will.

Put quite simply and plainly you must come to Me at least three times a week. This is priority number one. I may want you more often in certain weeks, but this is a minimum. It’s good when you feel a leading or know the theme on which I shall focus, but this isn’t important or necessary. I want you listening as a regular part of your life. This is not a fluffy “extra”. This is fundamentally vital for you. Thus sayeth the Lord.

I certainly recognize your encroaching slowness, and I’m pleased when you take the time that’s necessary to craft satisfying classes. This, too, must be a priority. By your plan, of which I approve at this time, you shall teach only another year and a half. I want these experiences, class by class, to be rewarding to you and to the learners. You still must adapt, for plans made before the semester begins aren’t always perfect and may need changing. You’re also losing accuracy in predicting how long a particular activity will take, so planning for alternatives must be a priority. Fortunately you have plenty of alternatives for each class you conduct. And yesterday you were reminded that technology can fail, unexpectedly.

Another priority, of course, is regular re-reading of Teachings past. You’re doing better in keeping track of Teachings written, but this table to your (and My) left is still a mess, representing lack of commitment to Me. You still read too much that is of low priority for Me. Continue to assess whether each publication to which you subscribe is of sufficient priority value to be paid for and maintained. The notion that you need more reading material is faulty. Let Me guide your priorities in this realm. You will have to do something with the books and journals in your office when you retire, and you shouldn’t put that off too much longer. Begin to assess, with My help, of course, what should be read or reread, which then defines what is not priority.

Another priority that presently is bogged down is your writing of letters. You have some priorities on your list, and, if anything, it should be longer. You know how satisfying it is to receive good letters, expected and unexpected. And you know how disconcerting it is to receive no reply from someone to whom you do write. Do unto others… You know I want you to write and send out a “Christmas letter” before that holiday season. Will this be the priority that I want it to be?

Personal relationships with friends, colleagues, and students must also be priorities. As situations arise, take the time to talk and listen, for this is part of being the servant I want you to be.

You’re not an excessive TV watcher, but you still waste time with some programs and with news. An occasional excess is acceptable, but this must not become a priority.

THUR., NOV. 9, 1995, 5:24 AM

It is early on a not-so-cold morning, and you have come to hear Me, the first time this week. I’m aware, of course, of the events of this week for you… the reasons why you have not put this pen to this paper. Nevertheless I must chide you for some skewed priorities. Your current study of Isaiah tells you clearly that I, as Almighty God, have wrath, and I’m not shy about taking it out on those I have chosen and do love. I shall not smite . . .

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