Priorities: Commendable… And Not So

FRI., FEB. 16, 1996, 12:57 PM

As you continue to age and mature, and become more consciously a servant of Mine, I need to remind you, more frequently, about priorities. This is not so much a criticism of your life as it is just a friendly update. You have come to expect these, and so here’s another one.

An altered balance in your life is certainly a priority for you, and one of which I approve. We both want this to be a balance that causes less stress and tension and that includes matters and tasks that are important to you, and of which I approve. I congratulate you on finally getting your Dubos paper in printable form. Now, of course, it needs proofing, and you should want to do that this coming weekend or week. It’s not much (in the way of papers I’d like to have you start and complete), but it is something… and I know this sort of thing is not a high priority for you now. It could become more of a focus in retirement years.

For I do see that this drop-off in writing and publishing is a result of your natural slowing down as you approach entrance into decade #8 of your earth life. Somewhat more attention to good teaching, which now takes longer, means less time for these writing tasks. Then I’ll also applaud your dedication to a quarterly Ruminations, the most crucial writing you do now. I also approve of your monthly “production” of The Carbondale Presbyterian, as a small but consistent service to your fellow parishioners. Your letter writing is picking up, with a list, even. You know I approve of that, as evidenced by Beverly’s indication of interest. You may want to explore Janis’ acceptance of this, with her slight indication of relationship to My Church, Episcopal… in a friendly letter, after all these years.

You have almost internalized My admonition that you are on the downward sloping off-ramp of your career. There are only a few ways in which this is uncomfortable. Acknowledge these, but know that they should be low priority in your concerns. Spend less time in developing new approaches in directing learning. Just do what is necessary to put together different combinations of approaches that have been successful, being sure that development of spirit is one of your top priorities in deciding what to do in each class.

I like your priority on Bible study, and be certain that I’ll continue to help you with this. I also like your judgment that Our Ruminations on Angels is more interesting reading than this current study book, which tries to focus on and analyze the Biblical events that include angels. I have told you more than the Scriptures do, and you should feel good about this. I want you to love My Scriptures, but also to be critical when they don’t seem sufficient for these times in your culture.

As you might expect, I’ll offer again a thumbs down on your recurring “priority” on your financial future. I see this as a matter of faith with you. I want you to see each dark cloud and each gloomy prediction as a test of your faith… that I shall provide for your needs, in My judgment. I realize this is hard for you, but that’s why it is a prime test of your faith. I realize you and Lenore have been more than generous with your sons, and I see this as a plus for you. My continuing promise is that I shall provide… and some of My ways may be quite creative and “unexpected”.

It is clear that you may have to consider alternatives to land use that now is in cattle. Carl’s disability will be the key factor, but I want you to see this as an opportunity to be just a bit more self-sufficient. Be creative. Think in some different ways. Let it be fun rather than a sad chore.

FRI., FEB. 16, 1996, 12:57 PM

As you continue to age and mature, and become more consciously a servant of Mine, I need to remind you, more frequently, about priorities. This is not so much a criticism of your life as it is just a friendly update. You have come to expect these, and so here’s another one.

An altered balance in your life is certainly a priority for you, and one of which I approve. We both want this to be a balance that causes less stress and tension and that includes matters and tasks . . .

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