Priorities For A Nation

FRI., FEB. 5, 1993, 6:50 AM

A nation such as yours will always have great difficulty in setting clear priorities. There is much emphasis upon individuality and personal needs and wants, and this very easily becomes sin. You “must” be a strong and powerful nation, and therefore one of your unfortunate priorities is a strong military, with weapons that not only could destroy a temporary enemy, but that could destroy a whole portion of the limited earth, making it unliveable for eons. It also is a strange related priority that you should manufacture arms and munitions and sell these to other warring nations.

This questionable industry, from My perspective, is justified because another high priority is that everyone should be prepared for a paying job, and everyone who wants a job should have one, even a choice. This is difficult to implement because you have created many machines to do jobs that people once did, which helped create the value that people should not do physical or tedious work. However it still is a priority, and should be, for it is good that humans have work to do, here in the earth. An important part of the earth experience is work. In the first Bible story it is portrayed as a curse. It is not so. There is some truth in that myth, but it is not true that work is a curse. The notion of a Garden of Eden inhabited by 5.4 billion naked people with no one working is ridiculous… isn’t it?!

Housing and food are obvious priorities, but it is difficult to determine who, everyone, including those who do not work, shall have these necessities. If you value work then it is difficult to know how to provide for those who do not work.

Personal freedom is a rather high priority in your nation. Obviously with a large population this cannot be absolute… and your prisons are clearly overcrowded… but it is constantly present, making the achievement of some other priorities easier and others much more difficult. Freedom allows many to come to Me, in a fashion that touches spirit most fully. Freedom also becomes sin, driving some away from Me, even some I have called and want to serve Me.

Sharing what you have is a strong priority for some, and a rather weak priority for your nation. Oh, of course I do see some sharing, some largesse in what your nation does, but as a proportion your actual sharing is pretty puny. You see that it is difficult for you, when I am regularly urging you to give to others and to causes rather than spending on luxuries. You see how difficult it is for your church to increase benevolent giving, with all of the competing priorities.

This may sound like you, should others read this, but I assure you that I have been leading you in this way for some time. There should be a high priority on effective education for good overall health. Medical priorities should be on helping the young, preventing as many anomalies as possible and treating others early so that life can be as rewarding as possible. The priority of sustaining life by expensive, invasive means in those post middle age should be a low one. If this were so there would be less of a problem in developing a medical care system that would benefit all rather equally and not bankrupt you as a nation.

Postponing death should not be a high priority. The length of an earth life is of little consequence in the total scope of a single soul, and certainly is not for the whole human population. Relief of severe, prolonged pain should be a priority, but the experience of some pain, from time to time, is spirit-enriching, even as it may not seem so.

FRI., FEB. 5, 1993, 6:50 AM

A nation such as yours will always have great difficulty in setting clear priorities. There is much emphasis upon individuality and personal needs and wants, and this very easily becomes sin. You “must” be a strong and powerful nation, and therefore one of your unfortunate priorities is a strong military, with weapons that not only could destroy a temporary enemy, but that could destroy a whole portion of the limited earth, making it unliveable for eons. It also is a strange related priority that you should manufacture arms and munitions and . . .

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