Privileged Life

MON., FEB. 19, 1990, 6:55 AM

A privileged life is yours to lead. I say this rather bluntly. Oh, you’re not in the rich class, with money for everything imaginable, but when you compare yourself with most of humankind, you see that you are privileged. There is a balance to your life that you appreciate often, but not always. This Teaching shall accentuate the positive and emphasize the privileges you enjoy.

Though it is not a concept most Christians know and accept, you understand karma quite well. You must conclude that either you have a generally good karma or that you have this privileged life as preparation for a later one with more karmic debt. But, one might ask, how does karma apply when you have accepted My grace, as you have. It means that you have a choice. You need not balance any karmic debts, for grace has erased these. But if you know of the debt you may choose to balance it, voluntarily, for the spiritual experience. Grace says you don’t have to, but it doesn’t prevent you, if this seems right to you.

You are privileged in your allocation of time. The years at Punahou were fully scheduled, but the other working years have offered you much freedom and many choices about how your time shall be spent. You have made generally good choices, and these have led further to this privileged life. You have much to do that is worthwhile, and this is part of privilege. Though you sometimes envision life with much less to do, I tell you such is not as privileged. Accept the pressures you experience as privilege.

You are into your sixties with a history of no major illnesses and only one major injury, from which you have recovered. You wonder, sometimes, about the adequacy of your insurance for some major breakdown of the body. I tell you that such concerns are not good for your continuing health. Keeping your life positive and worrying little about things that could happen provide insurance better than money. Give spirit a chance to maintain health. It is generally better than medical care. You are privileged to have a healthy body and a healthy mind. When losses come, let spirit direct.

Teaching is a privilege supreme, and mostly you appreciate this. The courses you teach are important. You realize this, and many of your students come to your perceptions, with your help. You have been assured that these courses are making a proper contribution to and through your Department. Your challenge now is to devise ever new or redeveloped ways of teaching which challenge students to learn. Having and realizing such freedom is a privilege.

Your feelings about money constitute your least acceptance of the fact that you lead a privileged life. You have little skill and interest in the realm of making money through investments and ventures of various sorts. I tell you that your income is sufficient, and your spirit affirms this, but your mind and emotions are reluctant to accept this affirmation. Yours is not to be an affluent life, but one of comfort. If your money must go for others let it be this way. Privilege cannot be complete. You must achieve a better balance in this respect.

The privilege of hearing Me clearly and regularly is one you generally appreciate. Few have this direct an access, and it is a privilege. Other developed spirits have other advantages, and my ways of working in people’s lives are uncountable and indescribable. You have this overt relationship. I want you to continue in it… and see it as privilege. When you see it in proper perspective your money “problems” have much less importance. Know that I continue My affirmation that I shall provide what you need, and more. Give what you have, and you shall be in a better position to receive from Me. I am Pure Spirit, but I have many ways of working in the earth. Trust what I say to you.

MON., FEB. 19, 1990, 6:55 AM

A privileged life is yours to lead. I say this rather bluntly. Oh, you’re not in the rich class, with money for everything imaginable, but when you compare yourself with most of humankind, you see that you are privileged. There is a balance to your life that you appreciate often, but not always. This Teaching shall accentuate the positive and emphasize the privileges you enjoy.

Though it is not a concept most Christians know and accept, you understand karma quite well. You must conclude that either you have a generally . . .

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