Pro Life

MON., AUG. 8, 1988, 6:01 AM

You are uneasy about a Teaching with this title, for you feel that your opinions and convictions are so “set” that you could not accurately put down a view that would be counter to these. Yet you believe that your position is based on My Teachings to you… so it is a genuine uneasiness. Put away your judgment for now. Just listen. Write what you hear, o son.

The first important premise is the general one that My messages to humans are not necessarily consistent. I have a plan for human life that is quite beyond understanding by any individual or group. There is no Biblical passage that clearly says I must be consistent in (6:20 / 6:25) what I communicate to the spirits in all persons, either directly or through the Scriptures. While love is the most constant feature of My Way, love can be manifested in many ways, some of them quite contradictory to others.

For example, I loved Moses. I called him to be a special servant of Mine, and he did his best. I had told the people, through him, that I would lead them into the Promised Land. Yet Moses had to die outside. He could not enter. Was that love? It must have been, because it was My action, as Almighty God.

I am pro life, but I am more in favor of a balance of life than of human life, no matter what the consequences. I created the human reproductive system so that I would not have to miraculously create each individual. I interfere occasionally, in response to prayer or for My own purposes, but generally I let the system function as I created it. I am not personally involved in the conception of every baby on earth. I am aware, but I do not personally cause each conception.

Thus, some very unfortunate pregnancies can happen. I am not any more directly responsible for contraceptive means than I am for bandaids, rubber cement, or ball point pens. My purest wish is that humans would control sexual desire, giving up something good for something better. This would mean not having intercourse when conception is possible or using some other contraceptive means. But the sex drive is strong… and it was necessary in times when there was much disease, erratic supplies of food, and conditions of war, with its life-taking capacity. In these present days it functions too well. I am not pleased with the increase in the human population.

Abortion is a sin to the extent that it is done for selfish reasons… and this can be judged accurately only by Me. It, like most, is not an all-or-none sin. It may be, in one case, no sin at all, in another a moderate sin, and in yet another a major sin that truly disrupts life functioning and that causes a regression in spiritual development. And there are many other variations. Some who are prominent in the Pro Life movement are doing so for very positive spiritual motives, and of this I approve. Others, in the same movement, are not so “pure,” and their hostility and actions are not pleasing to Me.

When someone is pro-life, which means, practically, being anti-abortion, that person should be in favor of the means of making each life meaningful and productive. This means personal commitment and both private and government programs. Creating a life that cannot be lived with dignity and some happiness is no virtue. And I do consider women to be much more than “baby carriers.” A woman has a right to dignity and happiness, and a pregnancy may work against such rights. If she chooses to be unselfish and carry the baby, this can be very noble. If she cannot do this with desirable motivations her best choice may be abortion.

The most important premise is that conception, pregnancy, and birth are not directly related to the life of a spirit. The life of spirit is basically independent of human life. When a baby is born it has an immortal soul, where spirit “resides”, but this was not the result of the conception. All spirits do not have the opportunity… or the desire… to be incarnated as a human. The human is not the highest of spirit forms… only a convenient one for spiritual growth.

MON., AUG. 8, 1988, 6:01 AM

You are uneasy about a Teaching with this title, for you feel that your opinions and convictions are so “set” that you could not accurately put down a view that would be counter to these. Yet you believe that your position is based on My Teachings to you… so it is a genuine uneasiness. Put away your judgment for now. Just listen. Write what you hear, o son.

The first important premise is the general one that My messages to humans are not necessarily consistent. I have a plan for human . . .

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