Problems, Problems…

FRI., APR. 28, 1995, 10:19 AM

Most of yesterday was spent with some diverse folks, considering the problem of overconsumption of beverages containing alcohol. This is in the midst of the problem of who blew off the front of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City… why… and what will be done about it? Now you can’t find the memo with important dates for next week. It sometimes seems as though life is a jumble of problems. Some can be solved. Some can’t. Some just fade away… or are supplanted by more pressing ones. Many should never have been defined as such. What do I say?

As you have said often, your culture is supreme in defining and identifying problems. Because a problem is perceived as something that can be solved, it is tempting to implement a “solution” even if that will create a new and possibly more serious problem. And, interestingly but not unexpectedly, your culture has influenced the interpretation of Me, the Triune God… meaning that I see the earth scene as a problem. Further, one strong interpretation is that I am so bothered by all the problems that My highest creation – humans – has caused that I shall soon cause or allow the great final battle between good and evil to take place and that either all the good (non-problem) folks will be whisked away… or that evil will be conquered and the earth shall return to being a paradise of non-problematic actions.

Yet I tell you what your ecological perspective expressed, many years ago now – life is not problems to solve, but relationships to understand… and work with. The “problem” you were sort of dealing with yesterday is one of these. Automobile accidents occur because there are automobiles (and the Bible has nothing to say about automobiles… or gasoline… or insurance… or…) Drunk driving accidents occur because of automobiles, alcohol in beverages, and a few who drink excessively. Because you’re not going to do away with automobiles or alcohol you must focus on these drinkers.

But do many of these have a disease called alcoholism? Is it a disease? Is it an excuse for misconduct? How much of an excuse… for what degree of misconduct? How worthwhile is punishment? What problems do it cause?

This obviously is not a problem to solve, but a condition to ameliorate, reduce, if possible, and just “live with.” Solving it would bring about inconvenience and a loss of freedom that would be seen as a worse problem. Carrying a gun is not a freedom important to you, but it is to some. Should gambling be allowed, restricted, or kept illegal. How much police action is good… or a problem? The same for court actions.

FRI., APR. 28, 1995, 10:19 AM

Most of yesterday was spent with some diverse folks, considering the problem of overconsumption of beverages containing alcohol. This is in the midst of the problem of who blew off the front of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City… why… and what will be done about it? Now you can’t find the memo with important dates for next week. It sometimes seems as though life is a jumble of problems. Some can be solved. Some can’t. Some just fade away… or are supplanted by more pressing ones. Many . . .

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