
SUN., DEC. 8, 1985, 6:10 AM

This word is the symbol for a mighty goal of the culture of which you are a part. In many areas of life it is important to be “productive”. Producers are rewarded, and the academic realm is no exception. You receive rewards, and you give them out to learners who produce. Shouldn’t you be interested in what I think about productivity? You shall hear this morning.

As you suspect, My key concept is rhythm or balance. There needs to be a balance among different types of production, physical and mental for example, and also between production and contemplation and relaxation. Balances are… or should be… different for different persons, and different for an individual with varied circumstances. You are not as academically productive as you were in younger days. This is a desirable rhythm, as long as the papers and presentations do not cease. You still have much to say that your colleagues should hear. I want you to remain minimally productive.

You need not be self-sufficient on this small Farm, but you should be somewhat productive each year. It is important that you continue to enrich the soil and to plant seeds in the spring, summer, and fall. You needn’t burden yourself with garden, but you should exert yourself enough to produce some food and plenty of flowers. It just is an important part of your being that you be part of this biological production.

Letters are an area of productivity in which you are deficient. I realize and take into account the regular letters you compose, and that writing is generally commendable, but you have an important list on your desk, and nothing was crossed off this week past. Each of these people have written to you as a special gesture of love or friendship, and you must answer, even if the form is short. This is a form of productivity… the letter… that I like, and I do not want you to shirk your opportunities to communicate in this way.

But what about spiritual productivity? The term can apply, in a modified way. It is important that your spirit be “exercised”, and in the earth this means that there be come tangible “production.” The letters that I just mentioned will be of most value if each is an expression of spirit as well as some words of news and comment. Your reading of the Holy Scriptures has fallen off again, and this is a firm base for spiritual productivity. You cannot utilize the insights from the Scriptures if you do not know them well, and you do not. The Teachings, of course, are a type of production, and you do print and make available some that can be of help to others. These are a fine resource (even if I say so Myself), and you could be more productive in their use.

However, productivity is not the only value in this life in the spirit. It needs to be balanced with times of quiet thought and contemplation. You stopped “production” yesterday afternoon to watch the sunset, and this is commendable. Even as you know this means less light and time in which to finish chores there must be time to stop and appreciate, to stop and muse. Your life is full, and I continue to heap opportunities on you. Yet know that I love you and value you when you are unproductive as well as when you produce. You do not earn My love by production. Rather, you produce in appreciation for what I have given you.

SUN., DEC. 8, 1985, 6:10 AM

This word is the symbol for a mighty goal of the culture of which you are a part. In many areas of life it is important to be “productive”. Producers are rewarded, and the academic realm is no exception. You receive rewards, and you give them out to learners who produce. Shouldn’t you be interested in what I think about productivity? You shall hear this morning.

As you suspect, My key concept is rhythm or balance. There needs to be a balance among different types of production, physical and mental . . .

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