Professional Business

OCT. 13, 1983, 6:12 AM

The commitment to Me that you have made is an honest one, of which I approve. I do like to see you rise, even after minimal sleep, to come under My influence and receive another of My Teachings for you. Here in an atmosphere of professional business… am I, certainly.

You are a professional in this earth sojourn, doing what I would have you do. The profession is certainly a minor one, and your place in it is not an outstanding one, but that is as it should be. Your role is not to take formal leadership, but to be, increasingly, a spiritual leader, as the opportunity for such a role develops. You are not in competition with other such spiritual leaders (and you know who they are), so do not resent it when some have more opportunities than you seem to have. Keep your view outward, toward those who are drawn to you, in a variety of ways, and help as it seems best to you and as I lead you.

Education in health, in the fullness of that concept, is your professional busines. You now have a number of sub-specialties, some becoming less important (in relation to your participation), and some taking on more value. I shall continue to guide you in the allocation of time and involvement in each of these areas.

You know that the spiritual dimension of health is My major interest, along with the development of Our concept of human/spiritual interaction. There shall be opportunities for direct involvement, and it shall be important that you take these. But also remember that spirit is a part of the areas of death education, environment, alcohol and drugs, and multicultural perspectives on health. The opportunities in each of these are different from one another, but together they are the major agenda of your professional business, in the teaching realm.

Interaction with others is an ongoing part of your business. Be a contributing, happy part of groups like that assembled for the evening meal yesterday. The investment is worthwhile. Just await opportunities to bring My concerns and My presence into such fellowships. Your sharing with Denise and she with you was a nice part of that larger scene. She is a servant of Mine who shall be an important ally and friend in the next years. Continue to encourage her.

The time with Kris was another facet of your “professional business”. That sounds like some formal, impersonal relationship, but it isn’t. An important part of your “professional business” is one to one relationships like this, sharing of selves. Kris is not an orthodox servant of Mine, but, as you hear from her and as you observe, she is moving slowly, though somewhat reluctantly, toward active relationship with Me. There shall be several facets to this, but your part… in being her friend and colleague, in sharing Teachings and Ruminations with her, and in encouraging her growth… shall continue to be important. In this spiritual realm of health she shall contribute more than she now thinks possible. Yes she is a strange little servant, but I feel a special need for what she can do. And she should know this. Tell her.
For you, professional business, personal concerns, and pleasure and leisure are interminably intertwined. That is not true for everyone, though it could be for many more than realize and acknowledge it. When you have a profession whose title is “health”, and this involves the quality of the way each person, each group, each community, and each environment IS, functions, and adapts, then you can’t function healthfully as a health professional unless you ARE a healthy person, in as many dimensions as possible. Remember also that a major role for the spiritual force in persons and communities is in coordinating and unifying the other aspects of being. When spirit is strongest the balance is best between physical concerns, emotional feelings, intellectual accomplishments, social involvement, and a care for and nurturing of the environments… and the genuine concern for others and a loving, sharing relationship with Me. I approve of healthy folks. Do what you can to promote this.

7:23 AM