Progress?… Toward…?

TUES., MAR. 23, 1999, 6:20 AM

Though I have encouraged you to see life here on earth.. and the health of humans and the environment… in a positive “light” I, Holy Spirit, do have concerns like unto those of My servant (whether he acknowledges it or not), Lester. Oh, the prosperity and “good times” that have been yours to enjoy during most of your life span during the past nearly ¾ of a century are still with you, but, as Lester writes, they are not sustainable for much longer. So, yes, you are “progressing” toward a time of balance that shall not be pleasant… more like disastrous.

I do have ultimate power, but it cannot correct this “progress” without much apparent harm. I guess you’d say My love for you humans is prolonging My relative inaction, but I do foresee the consequences of such, and they are troublesome. Oh, I can… and do… see the positive picture – a rebalancing, with fewer humans and simpler, more ecological life styles. But to get from “here” to “there” will be one of hardship. Just consider it good that hardship is a tested means of encouraging spiritual growth, the only real purpose of earth life, from My perspective.

You feel joy for John Patrick and Debbie as they await yet another child, even as you know this represents an excess. Obviously I still allow procreation to continue, but the joy I feel is more than tinged with the sorrow for the overall consequences of more humans. (I say I have these human-like emotions, and I do have such… I am not just a “stone idol”… but they are always in concert with My Omniscience – My complete knowledge of this earth realm and of the myriad consequences of actions. You think you are confused by the ways various factors interact and affect each other. I see it all and am not confused, but, now, actions often are no more to be valued than inactions.)

I know that when there is apparent prosperity, as your culture is now experiencing, there are few motivations to “change things.” Those who speak out for population stability, less “production,” and a simpler life are seen as eccentric… even dangerous. Warnings, like those of Lester, are tolerated, still, but go fundamentally unheeded. You prefer to ride in the new Suburban toward calamity.

You don’t expect to suffer many of these coming “consequences” in your remaining lifetime… and you’re probably right. But you see, even now, how you think. It is raining and thundering and your first inclination is to resent this intrusion onto beautiful, sunny days. Only secondarily do you buffer such thoughts with the need for water, and how humans will suffer (and are suffering) because there is not enough usable water for all desired uses. How full… or how empty is the “aquifer” under your land that is the source of the water that comes from your faucets?

But must all land be “usable” and “productive”? You look out to your left, and you see land, of yours, that is tree-covered, but “non-productive.” Should it be otherwise? No, you are one of the few, relatively, who can have and enjoy land that is in a rather “natural” state – unimproved over what “I will for it.” There is less and less of this, with more people… and more progress.

I’ll repeat: you shall experience little of the consequences of what humans have done here during the last portion of this century. Many humans, of the age of your children and their children, will adapt well… a few even happily… to the “hard times” (from your culture’s present perspective), while many more will not. As you have often taught, it isn’t easy to predict who the “good adapters” will be… until its clear what the threat is… or the threats are.

TUES., MAR. 23, 1999, 6:20 AM

Though I have encouraged you to see life here on earth.. and the health of humans and the environment… in a positive “light” I, Holy Spirit, do have concerns like unto those of My servant (whether he acknowledges it or not), Lester. Oh, the prosperity and “good times” that have been yours to enjoy during most of your life span during the past nearly ¾ of a century are still with you, but, as Lester writes, they are not sustainable for much longer. So, yes, you are “progressing” toward a time of . . .

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