Proliferation… For “Purity”

THURS., FEB. 10, 1994, 5:22 AM

I have a few more comments on the theme I addressed, at your request, the last time We were together for this task. That theme was Reimaging, coming out of a recent women’s conference, and reported by your conservative… Laymen, with little favor. The report focused on the several ways in which these “reimages” were non-Christian, making them heretical in a professed Christian setting.

Now I recognize that your denomination, several years ago, gave up the formal possibility of some statement or practice being judged as heresy. I approved of that action, and I still do. What? I, the Holy Spirit, speaking both for Almighty God and Jesus Christ, do not approve of means to declare that a doctrine is both wrong and harmful to the “purity” of My Church?

Well, let’s say that there still are denominations that are sensitive to heresies from their interpretations of “the best way”… and that way is narrow and certain. I still encourage this, and I see both good and evil coming from this desire for “purity.” Over the ages I know the results of persecutions for adherence to an idea that is counter to an old tradition or just new and seemingly different. I am not pleased with most of such efforts to keep interpretations of My Will and Way consistent, mainly because they involve much more anger and hate than love and acceptance.

One such “heresy” is the practice of addressing Me in some way as feminine rather than masculine. You know I have done this, occasionally, in Teachings and, hence, in portions of Ruminations. For some, this diminishes your credibility, for the Spirit would never encourage such suggestions of equality. Oh, it is conceded (often grudgingly) that I look down upon women and men as being of equal importance and favor. Still I, and certainly God, should never be addressed as a female. The use of “Sophia” is somewhat strange, but I have no real objection, and I take no offense… so I say to you, I am fully female as well as fully male, and I always have been interested in these attempts to recognize and honor this diversity, in many eras of this Christian experience.

While it is not considered heresy to believe and proclaim that life goes on beyond death of the body, it generally is when the affirmation includes life before this earth incarnation. As I look into the hearts and minds of Christians I see such a mostly unshared diversity in relation to everlasting life, and, of course, I am mainly to blame, for I do encourage these differences.

I also am expected to condemn any evidence of homosexuality in women, as well as in men. I have to smile… and, occasionally, to laugh heartily at the fervor in protecting My Church from those who feel and express love for one of their own sex. I realize this thwarts procreation, but you know that I now have quite mixed feelings (now shading toward the negative) about continued growth of the human population. As in heterosexual love-making, some of the lesbian kind is excessive and exaggerated, some is quite genuine, and to this I have no objection.

There is a movement in your culture, away from strictly male dominance, and it is appropriate for the Christian community to approve of this. Still, some naturally dominant males continue to try to deter this movement, some in My Name (masculine, of course). Instead, I would like to see more genuine acceptance and humility. I am not against dominance, but I want those showing this to be aware and appreciative of what they’re doing… and humbly “back off” at some times.

THURS., FEB. 10, 1994, 5:22 AM

I have a few more comments on the theme I addressed, at your request, the last time We were together for this task. That theme was Reimaging, coming out of a recent women’s conference, and reported by your conservative… Laymen, with little favor. The report focused on the several ways in which these “reimages” were non-Christian, making them heretical in a professed Christian setting.

Now I recognize that your denomination, several years ago, gave up the formal possibility of some statement or practice being judged as heresy. I . . .

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