Prophesies, Again

SUN., APR. 25, 1993, 6:07 AM

A prophet is one who offers to the people of his era a prediction and a conviction about the future. The term can be used generally, but I prefer its referral only to predictions from Me, as the Almighty and Triune God. I have raised up prophets in every age, every period of time. A few prophesies have been “right on the money.” Many have been partly right… or at least there can be an interpretation of actual events that seem to verify the prophesy. And, of course, there are some which seem to miss completely. Why is this so? Hear, o son.

First, naturally, there are some false prophets. These generally fit into two categories, though there is some overlap. There are abject fakers, who, for a variety of reasons, offer prophesies in My Name, having no contact with Me whatsoever. Complementing these are men and women who believe, sometimes earnestly, that they are receiving genuine prophesies from Me, but are not. Occasionally these results of imagination are close to or even quite right, and the sincere false prophet may get some recognition.

Then there are prophets to whom I speak rather directly, and even some of what they write or tell does not match later reality. One reason for this is that even sincere, dedicated servants can hear Me incompletely or can misinterpret what they hear. You are not a prophet, but you are taught by Me, the Holy Spirit, and, by direction, you do write down what comes to your spirit by My Spirit. Occasionally you don’t hear correctly or, as you write, you mistranscribe because of inattention. Some such “mistakes” I correct within the Teaching itself. Others I correct in subsequent Teachings. You come often enough that it becomes more and more unlikely that a false teaching persists.

As I have told you repeatedly you are not a prophet. You are merely one who is taught directly by Me, in this tangible way. Yet you recognize that some of what I communicate comes close to saying what the future will be like. One such is My observation that your fifth son, Matthew, blessed, at this time, with earthly wealth, will finally come to Me, as a unique and rather faithful servant. You have communicated this to him, and he has just smiled, not accepting or rejecting this “prophesy.” Yet it is an intriguing thought to him, as he occasionally ponders a more noble purpose for his life. If you were a genuine, called prophet I would tell you the conditions of his “conversion.” I do not. This must come directly to him, and he is not quite ready yet.

Another repeated Teaching concerns the “fate” of the earth, and the many people who now inhabit it. I have merely taught you that human life is not My highest priority. Rather, the whole intricate web of life, with the balance of life forms, soil and pertinent gases is My highest priority, and human life and human activity are beginning to affect this web in irreparable ways. Therefore another “close-to prophesy”: human life will be diminished, but when and how has not been decided or revealed.

SUN., APR. 25, 1993, 6:07 AM

A prophet is one who offers to the people of his era a prediction and a conviction about the future. The term can be used generally, but I prefer its referral only to predictions from Me, as the Almighty and Triune God. I have raised up prophets in every age, every period of time. A few prophesies have been “right on the money.” Many have been partly right... or at least there can be an interpretation of actual events that seem to verify the prophesy. And, of course, there are some . . .

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