Prophesies, Again?

WED., MAY 26, 1993, 8:43 AM

You continue to wonder just where you fit, in relation to the designation prophet – one who gives forth prophesies. I have told you repeatedly that you are not a prophet, by My designation. What you write are Teachings, not prophetic messages. Yet the instrument that you completed for your Session’s retreat proclaimed that one of your major gifts was prophesy, along with faith. Hear, o son, how I comment on this, coming just after your morning discussion of some of the words of My old servant Micah.

Even as what you hear Me telling you comes in the form of a Teaching, I do comment on certain persons, certain actions, and certain “problems” in a way that certainly is close to prophetic. I have given you Teachings that have been helpful to Chris, to Andy, to some others… and several in relation to Matthew that shall take longer to be heeded. These can be called prophesies, because they are directions to certain actual or potential servants of Mine, through you. But I still withhold the Old Testament designation.

I also have given you Teachings about the whole web of life that I have created, humans being only a part of this. You are part of this human family, the part that is damaging this web, with only minimal motivations to change lifestyle so that this destruction is at least slowed. I tell you that I shall act… or not act… in ways that will counter the destructive actions. And yet I do not tell you how this will be done, except that there will be variety in the “approaches.” You are not commissioned to warn others of this, except as you have opportunities in the classes you teach. As you do this you are at least given permission to give Me “credit” for circumstances that reduce waste, population, and environmental damage. It should not be necessarily prophetic to assert that I am involved in all that happens here in the earth, either directly or indirectly. Even the most mundane of human actions is directed or allowed by Me. And you have no way of knowing what I prevent.

If these were prophesies they do follow the basic style that I had prophets of old use: a proclamation of anger and wrath, followed by assurance that when the punishment was sufficient there would be loving care and guidance again. As a father, when you disciplined sons you did not try to destroy or permanently harm them. Expect that I have even more loving motivations or this human family I continue to sustain.

Remember also, from the Scriptural accounts, that when I was punishing My people for their sins, others were benefitting. As production work is transferred from your country to others where labor costs are less, your people are harmed, but others benefit. As fewer armaments are manufactured and deployed, the total earth population is benefitted potentially, but some workers are in need of income and sustenance. I am as aware of the harm that comes as of the good. That’s the nature of life in the earth.

There are a couple of Truths you can proclaim, even if this is seldom and guarded. The main Truth is that I am still Lord, always have been and always will be, and that nothing happens in this earth of which I am not aware. When bad things happen to good people, know that there are more values than detriments to what happens. Most actions and situations are complex combinations of what you (and even I) see as “good” and “bad.”

WED., MAY 26, 1993, 8:43 AM

You continue to wonder just where you fit, in relation to the designation prophet – one who gives forth prophesies. I have told you repeatedly that you are not a prophet, by My designation. What you write are Teachings, not prophetic messages. Yet the instrument that you completed for your Session’s retreat proclaimed that one of your major gifts was prophesy, along with faith. Hear, o son, how I comment on this, coming just after your morning discussion of some of the words of My old servant Micah.

Even as . . .

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