Prophesies And Teachings

THURS., OCT. 24, 1991, 6:28 AM

I have called you to hear Me, mostly in the early morning, the first waking hour of the day, as I offer you Teachings. These are important for your life, and they are relevant for the time and situation in which you live. They are and will be consistent with the essence of Holy Scripture, but are and will be at odds with some cultural practices and values of another time and place and with some interpretations and doctrines of present-day Christians. I call these orthodox because I, the Holy Spirit, offer them to you, and My Teachings just have to be orthodox.

Then I must add that “orthodox” is a term many Christians like and hence apply to their interpretations and doctrines. Hence, in the earth there are conflicts among various ideas and practices that all are called orthodox. This is slightly bothersome, but I justify it in the truth that “I like variety.”

In every age and in every culture I call some to be prophets. These chosen ones, most of whom are ardent Christians, hear messages of what “should be,” for the earth, for their culture, for their church, for individuals, and for self. These are not completely distinct from Teachings, for in yours I direct and assure you of your role in life and, occasionally, make observations about the lives of others. Still, there is a final distinction: you are not a prophet, and what you write are not prophesies. Yours is a different gift, even as there is some overlap with that of prophesy.

Prophets, of whom My servant Mabel is and has been for years, can come to Me in prayer and ask for Words of Wisdom for themselves and for others who seek My help through them. At some times I just offer them prophesies of the future and of what “should be” without their asking. Comparably, somewhat, I call you at certain times for a Teaching I want you to have… some Word you do not seek.

The balance I desire in the earth requires a variety of forces. My Teaching to you is that I still am fully in charge and in control of this earth, even as I let events occur that “God just wouldn’t permit.” No human, no matter how spiritually mature she may be, can discern the fullness of this balance and the nuances thereof. Furthermore, it is not a fixed, stable balance, but a continuous balancing process. It is incredibly complex, with much of what I have, in Scripture, defined as evil. Yet, overall, I like what I see, for it fulfills My major purposes in creating this unique realm of being.

You need not deny that these are “the end times,” just as you need not deny that you, as an individual, will die a physical death. But as I urge you to live life fully and joyfully, so do I tell you to see this earth life as a continuing one, despite its apparent “imperfections.” It is not your task to prophesy that earth life shall continue in its various competing forms and ways, but just to share your Teachings on My continued love of the balance that earth life is.

As you teach you are pleased when some learners seem to agree with you and come to value somewhat like you do. Yet your more important goal is that learning… expansion of thought and vision… take place. Out of this learning will come convictions different than yours, and, as an educator, you should be as proud of these as of those like your own. I teach you, but I have to accept that you learn and you interpret in your way, which is not exactly as another might interpret. I am a part of you, and I want to influence you, but I see, happily, rather great variety in those I so influence.

THURS., OCT. 24, 1991, 6:28 AM

I have called you to hear Me, mostly in the early morning, the first waking hour of the day, as I offer you Teachings. These are important for your life, and they are relevant for the time and situation in which you live. They are and will be consistent with the essence of Holy Scripture, but are and will be at odds with some cultural practices and values of another time and place and with some interpretations and doctrines of present-day Christians. I call these orthodox because I, the Holy . . .

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