
FRI., MAR. 19, 1982, 5:34 AM

Hear, o son, as I speak to you of one of the great gifts in the earth, prophesy. It is a gift, yes, but it usually represents a developed ability as well. I once told you I could affect meditative writing like unto what We do here in someone who is illiterate with poor writing skills, and that would demonstrate dramatically the power of God. I also told you that I work this way very seldom, preferring to use abilities developed over “lifetimes” in the earth and in other realms. Thus it is with prophets – most are highly developed spirits, whose openness to hearing from Me is as natural as it is miraculous.

Prophesy represents My unwillingness to let “the natural world” prevail completely. There are some who see Me, of course, as only a passive creator… one who never intervenes in the world He has created. I tell you that though My interventions and “intrusions” are infrequent they are real, and no description of the earth and the people therein can be complete without consideration of this “factor” (Me!).

So, most usually, I communicate with one who has spiritual maturity (whatever her earthly state and functioning may be) and give him glimpses of conditions that I shall cause to happen… or of consequences of the natural workings of the earth… or messages as to what I would like individuals… on up to humankind in total… to do.

Some prophets are bold and forceful and speak from an established base of power in some earth society. Others may be equally bold and forceful, but have no power base. Both fit purposes of Mine, though these be different. Then, know that prophets range on down to those who are timid and meek and have no consequence in the earth’s panoply of power. A garage mechanic, a baby-sitter, an unemployed wino… even these may have the developed gift of prophesy, but it is taken seriously by few “important” people.

You must know, however, that this not only is not troublesome to Me, but is quite the “way it should be”. I like it when prophesies that clearly come to pass emanate from “unlikely prophets”.

One who prophesies truly and accurately today may be inaccurate next week. Why? Each prophet, however well developed in spirit, has an earthly incarnation that prevents perfect communication with Me. I, as Jesus, made statements that sounded as though the future for life in the earth for mankind was to be short. Paul prophesied that I would return quickly. Two factors operate: the prophet may be hearing and reporting inaccurately, and those who hear and pass the word on may mishear and misinterpret. That is just “a condition of the earth”. Sometimes a prophesy will be purposely errant, because the prophet has lost humility and become too prideful. It is a discipline that I use now and again.

“I change My Mind”. That seems unlikely, but it is true. Basic purposes and basic values of Mine are unchanging, but in matters dealt with in prophesies I may change. The earth plane is, as I have created it and set it to functioning, a complex amalgam of natural forces, myriad humans making decisions and implementing them, and Me and My “agenda”. In other realms I prevail obviously. In this one I choose not to be the all-dominant force… in order that growth might occur. Some of My good servants would blanch and bridle at the notion that I am a permissive Father… that there is value in permissiveness. It can result in much heartache, and true failure and loss may be its consequence… but also the only true growth. I want you to grow toward Me not because you have to, but because, with many other choices, you want to.

You could be a prophet, but that is not My purpose for you. You would be a reluctant prophet, I would judge. So do what I have you do, and that you choose to do… and do it well.

Wasn’t this worth getting up for?

Peace and Progress
6:33 AM