
SUN., SEPT. 25, 1983, 5:38 AM

Prophesy is one of My mystical contributions to this earth plane. It really does not belong, for the earth is a special realm of testing wherein clues about the future are not truly appropriate. And still I raise up prophets… the Holy Scriptures tell clearly that I did… and I continue to do so on this very Sunday. Hear, o son, of prophesy.

You sit and write what you hear, and the results are Teachings, practical to esoteric, about the life you lead and about what I would have you do. There are occasional prophesies of what I shall do or of what others will do in relation to My Ways. I have told you, for example, that your youngest son, Matthew will eventually respond to My call, will be influenced by Me, and shall be one of whom I am proud. And you shall be, too. Still, as I have told you, you are not raised up as a prophet; prophesy is not your “business” with Me.

That relieves you, I realize, for the results of this task that I have given to you can be worrisome enough. You would like to be outstanding in the sense of quality, but not in the sense of doing something that separates you from even your fellow Christians. I realize that this can, but you have handled it rather well thus far. Yet do not shirk opportunities as they arise naturally, for I do send individuals to hear of what I have shared with you. You must be aware (a spiritual quality), and you must appreciate the appearance of these who seek from you.

Some will seek prophesy, and it is proper to tell them that, in the foretelling sense, you are not a prophet. Now in the sense that you have this special “channel” to My thoughts you are in the general prophetic tradition. Still, your meditations shall contain little which shall tell of what influences I shall have, specifically, in the days ahead.

All right, accept, please, that I do still raise up prophets. Some are likely and evident, but I also have fun in giving prophesies to some humble folk who are quite unlikely as prophets. The range of awareness is great. Some are fully aware of their calling, and a few hear clearly and accurately and are high quality prophets. Others, who are relatively aware, do not hear well or misinterpret what they hear… and such has always been the case. The doctrine that you shall know a true prophet as one whose prophesies are always true and accurate is faulty. Many true prophets seem to be wrong occasionally…. to often. (You are a good servant, but all of what you have written down in your volumes is not exactly as I said it to you. But you do well enough; do not withdraw because you are not perfect.)

Sometimes prophesies fail because details of how matters shall be in the earth come out differently than I anticipated when a prophesy was given. I know this sounds as though I am not in charge, but this is not true. I am truly and finally, in charge, but it is My pleasure to allow free will to be part of earth’s reality. The whole matter is very complex, but hear Me say that My ultimate Will shall be done. I do not fuss with the details. One way may eventually be as good as another.

SUN., SEPT. 25, 1983, 5:38 AM

Prophesy is one of My mystical contributions to this earth plane. It really does not belong, for the earth is a special realm of testing wherein clues about the future are not truly appropriate. And still I raise up prophets… the Holy Scriptures tell clearly that I did… and I continue to do so on this very Sunday. Hear, o son, of prophesy.

You sit and write what you hear, and the results are Teachings, practical to esoteric, about the life you lead and about what I would have you do . . .

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