Prophet? No

FRI., MAY 20, 1988, 6:18 AM

There is much for you to do in making your place neat and clean for today’s class, but you knew I wanted you to come on this day, the third of the trio of anniversaries associated with this that We do together. This was the date, nine years ago, when I “took over your pen” and began to offer you Teachings that you would hear and write down. No longer would you just muse… even though some of your own muses were rather good. Now you were… and are… to learn from Me, the Holy Spirit, an integral part of that Three in One Who Is the only God of the universe.

I shall say yet again… you were chosen, but not for your righteousness nor for your spiritual maturity, supreme. You are not outstanding, and I shall not make you into a spiritual celebrity. And still I shall speak to you in a way that is rather clear to you, and in this ritual way you shall record such Teachings. For I, the Spirit, am the Supreme Teacher, offering some new insights and interpretations, some observations on conditions that simply were not part of Holy Scriptural times, and much reinforcement of what the Bible teaches. You were chosen for a task. And you are doing it to My satisfaction.

Does this make you a prophet? I say No. I won’t bother with defining or differentiating. I simply assert that you are not designated as a prophet, and you are not to call yourself one. Your mother-in-law, Mabel, is called as a prophet (or prophetess, technically, but that differentiation is really unimportant now, for I actually call more women than men to prophesy, in your culture). She receives messages in a different way, and… fundamentally… I call her a prophet and approve of her being designated that way. But should you be called a prophet? No.

And yet I may ask as much of you as of a prophet. I want you to be faithful, and to learn from Me. I invite you to come and be in this unique meditative state as often as you will and can. Further, I shall call you at certain times, either for a special Teaching or just to test your discipline. I give you no promise that these Teachings will ever be of consequence to any great rapt audience. Be satisfied that you have a small group who appreciate your Ruminations, even some, like Jean, who remember these as helpful in a time of stress.

It is acceptable that you not offer your Sunday morning class this next year. I do want you to give much attention to this study you shall do, and so you may take a sabbatical from this Teaching opportunity also. There may be some other form of teaching that I suggest for you in the future. Just be aware.

Above all else, these are Teachings to you, to increase your capacity to understand and grow in spirit. In My magnificent “economy” this Teaching of you does not “take me away” from any other more vital duties. I function outside of time, space, and other limitations. My capacities are infinite, so never fear that I am neglecting something else to be with you. You have such struggles with time, attention, and energy, but I simply do not.

FRI., MAY 20, 1988, 6:18 AM

There is much for you to do in making your place neat and clean for today’s class, but you knew I wanted you to come on this day, the third of the trio of anniversaries associated with this that We do together. This was the date, nine years ago, when I “took over your pen” and began to offer you Teachings that you would hear and write down. No longer would you just muse… even though some of your own muses were rather good. Now you were… and are… to . . .

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