Pure In Heart

WED., JAN. 27, 1993, 8:55 AM

A fine discussion of what are called My Beatitudes has helped start your day on this beautiful winter morning. Leadership was shared, and you contributed as you should have. I would suggest that you make it a future point to involve everyone in the discussion. You assertive ones are allowing some to be too meek and lowly, so show a bit more kindness and humility.

I focus this morning on one phrase from the portion studied today – pure in heart – one that you discussed at some length. You were on the right track in what you said, but some help from Me now will scoot you even farther along.

Pure in heart does refer to the relationship of your spirit to Mine. (And when I say “Mine” I mean, of course, that your primary relationship can be with Me, the Holy Spirit, with Me, as Jesus the Christ, or with Me, as the Father God… or with any combination.) What We do together helps to make you pure in heart, for I see no particular virtue in your making these realizations entirely on your own. When you are pure in heart you know that you have your hand in Mine, that our continuing interaction is the best that you can have, that life here in the earth is a unique opportunity to grow and develop spiritually, and that spiritual growth is the supreme value in this realm and in all others. When you are pure in heart you think of Me and of what I want for and from you. You think of others and of what you can do to make the lives of others more interesting and worthwhile. You are not a physician who helps in the physical healing process, but you are a professor and teacher who can help learners see the world in wider ways, intellectually and who can help them see how spirit is an important factor in this “thing” we call “health.”

Being pure in heart doesn’t mean that you never will sin, but it means that you freely offer any sins to Me, and I take them and blot them out. You not only have this as faith, but you know that it is so. If you only have faith, particularly after your experiences you have less than pureness of heart.

You can deal with the “realities” of earth life – with pains, worries, uncertainties, defeats – but as you come often to hear Me and My words to you you know that life is, in true reality, a mystical dance. It would be difficult for you to hold this view of reality if you were some high executive, someone responsible for setting policy or carrying out complex operations affecting many others. That is one reason that I guided and steered you as I did. If you were a chair, a dean, or in some presidential office it would be much more difficult to see life in this mystical way that I recommend. So, instead, you are a rather free-floating professor, with responsibility for courses that are enriched by this spiritual knowledge that you have. Naturally, if I have guided you to this it is the perfect place and position for you. You know this… and you can truly rejoice in this spiritual knowledge.

WED., JAN. 27, 1993, 8:55 AM

A fine discussion of what are called My Beatitudes has helped start your day on this beautiful winter morning. Leadership was shared, and you contributed as you should have. I would suggest that you make it a future point to involve everyone in the discussion. You assertive ones are allowing some to be too meek and lowly, so show a bit more kindness and humility.

I focus this morning on one phrase from the portion studied today – pure in heart – one that you discussed at some length. You were on . . .

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