
SEPTEMBER 1, 1979, 7:55 AM

Write, o son, on this theme. Remember that it is I who give the thoughts and not you. You are bothered by this theme, for you have some doubts about yourself in its regard. Hear what I hold most dear and consider most pure.

Your relation to Me is the prime relation. It can be made more or less pure by your relations to others. It is the nature of what is said and done in relationships… AND what is in your heart… that determines. Acknowledging Me is the key motivation and action. Acknowledging Me even when the action has not been Mine is pleasing to Me.

You understand that I don’t handle and control every happening in your life. But I am involved, and it is not up to you to determine exactly when, where, and how. Remember that you do not diminish your own autonomy (and this seems strange) by acknowledging Mine. Rather, you are admitting the partnership, the I-in-you and you-in-Me. The purer this is, the more you are where you should be. Worry not about particular happenings and fret not about some that are “less pure”. Consider only the criterion: are you acknowledging My presence and My guidance.

Actual behaviors are not particularly important, in the whole span of lives. But the state of your mind and heart… this is the important factor. Are you approaching each opportunity of life in partnership and fellowship with Me? This is purity. This is what I care about.

You came, this morning, in partnership. You have wanted to come, so it wasn’t all My initiative. Yet you are “out of practice” and strangely reluctant. You are overconcerned with time. Your trust in Me is not what it should be. And therefore you waste time. Acknowledge Me, dedicate your time to Me, make for the relationship that I call Purity. And the things that should occur, shall.

Be of a gentle spirit, for this is what I purpose for you. Work hard and long, but waste not time in complaining or lamenting. Let Me talk with you for a time each day for this week. You shall need this reassurance.

Be of a pure heart. Now you know what this means. Be My servant, and I shall be yours. You are not diminished by My presence in your life. You are less, you are impure, when you “go it alone”. Interpret all other teachings in this light.

Use this as a guide this busy day. Lo, I am with you. And you shall see that that is fine.

8:32 AM