Purpose In Life

FRI., MAR. 28, 1986, 5:30 AM

The first Ruminations of this year is ready to mail, so it would appear that you shall fulfill My goal for you, in relation to these letters, this year. At least you have the proper start. This is one of your tangible purposes, o son. It is not a burden, but an opportunity.

Though I repeatedly have emphasized the relationship between life and death, you have had plenty of focus on death, so let’s point the other way and consider this fundamental of the spiritual dimension to health – purpose in life. Spirit is the continuity in life. The body can function without spirit, but there is no true life. When spirit becomes part of a baby’s body it then becomes a true human, with the potential for realizing some purposes.

In childhood purposes are usually not very deep nor very long lasting. Yet you hear or read of some child who has an early interest in music, who plays an instrument and even writes music at a young age, and, yes, you are learning of purpose in life which can be evident quite early. Yes, there are such purposeful souls, and they are not limited to music, certainly. They simply cannot wait to begin doing what they feel is their reason for being… even as this cannot be rationally explained or otherwise verbalized.

Ordinarily, however, children have only childish purposes, and this is normal development for the human, for spirit can be evident even in childish purposes. One of the functions of the family is to help a child develop or realize purpose in life. One of the supreme frustrations of life for a parent is to have a child who grows toward adulthood with no apparent purposes or with some that seem to lead toward “no good.” One human, even a parent, can only show the way toward purpose. You cannot give another purpose. He or she must create such out of the spirit within.

Schooling is designed to encourage purpose, in developing the tools, the means by which purpose can be achieved and in urging young learners to explore the ways of alternative purposes. If schooling is good it engages the spirit of the learner and helps him develop the purpose of being a lifelong learner. Earth life, and other realms as well, are most satisfying if one wants to learn, throughout the whole experience
6:18 – 6:23
(One of your purposes now is caring for animals, and you have done that this morning. It is not a noble purpose, but a worthy humble one in earth life.)

Since you are an educator one of your main purposes is helping people learn, which is also a means of fulfilling your purpose of being a learner as well. In your Sunday class you have the added purpose of helping those who come be more acquainted with Me, the Holy Spirit. I obviously label this an important purpose, and I shall continue to provide you with lessons to help you achieve this worthy purpose.

FRI., MAR. 28, 1986, 5:30 AM

The first Ruminations of this year is ready to mail, so it would appear that you shall fulfill My goal for you, in relation to these letters, this year. At least you have the proper start. This is one of your tangible purposes, o son. It is not a burden, but an opportunity.

Though I repeatedly have emphasized the relationship between life and death, you have had plenty of focus on death, so let’s point the other way and consider this fundamental of the spiritual dimension to health – purpose in . . .

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