Purpose In Life

SAT., AUG. 2, 1986, 6:32 AM

You are correct, o son, when you avow that one strong evidence of spirit in a person is the sense of purpose in life that person has. The stronger the spirit the more there is a feeling of purpose, though the nature of that purpose may vary tremendously. One this cool, cloudy morning you shall hear some words from Me on purpose in life.

As spirit develops (or is developed) the person is aware of relationships beyond self. Even some small children are appreciative of nature, want to share with and nurture other children, and give other early evidences of advanced spirit. Conversely, some seem to be very selfish and self-centered and must learn, often painfully, to appreciate that beyond self. As life goes on the range in this “beyond self” perspective on life becomes evident… though cultures and circumstances make accurate “diagnosis” more difficult.

Then in retirement and old age there may be even more spiritual growth… or there may be regression, for some circumstances (lowered standard of living and poor health, particularly) are genuine challenges to concern for others. In addition, purpose in life may seem to be fulfilled or to be unachievable. With such a feeling or feelings, spirit doth shrink.

The fundamental purpose in life is the growth and development of spirit. I certainly have said this repeatedly. I can tell you of many ways in which this can take place, but then I must always add that this is not something that can be accomplished directly. It’s somewhat like your Law about finding a lost object – you have to be genuinely serving and living unselfishly, not secretly “toling up points” toward spiritual development.

The hard fact is one I told in My ministry as Jesus: to one who has shall more be given, and from one who has little it shall be taken away. Those with developed spirit find it easier to live in ways that enhance spirit even more. Those with a strong sense of purpose in life see this validated repeatedly and are motivated to generate new and renewed purposes.

One of your important purposes is to continue to develop the teaching/learning process so that more students learn and achieve valuable insights about themselves and the world in which they live. You teach a variety of interesting classes, populated mostly by well-motivated young people. To be excited about this purpose in your life is easy. For George, with whom you talked yesterday, the experience of teaching the same class, over and over, to groups of largely unmotivated youth, this sense of purpose waned and died. And it might well do the same for you.

SAT., AUG. 2, 1986, 6:32 AM

You are correct, o son, when you avow that one strong evidence of spirit in a person is the sense of purpose in life that person has. The stronger the spirit the more there is a feeling of purpose, though the nature of that purpose may vary tremendously. One this cool, cloudy morning you shall hear some words from Me on purpose in life.

As spirit develops (or is developed) the person is aware of relationships beyond self. Even some small children are appreciative of nature, want to share with and . . .

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