“Racing Through Life”

THURS., NOV. 4, 1993, 6:52 AM

This is a time of “racing through life,” o son. The convention and the visiting were somewhat pressureful, but the return home required you to speed up even more. And it will continue on through this week. Yet you knew you should be here for some thoughts from Me, even in the midst of these pressures to start and complete disparate tasks. I am your Guide, and I always tell you that time spent with Me is not time “lost.” Instead there is a mystical gain when you hear Me and write what you hear.

First, I want you to count your blessings. The California trip went well, with no injury to the car, and no problems with your transportation. You had time for a good deal of walking in the city, better for you than cab or bus rides, in several ways. When you can you should reflect upon the whole experience and write cards of appreciation to those who made the experience easy and enjoyable. Do these before the ones for the Southern California trip, since you’re so late with these already.

You had to “race” to organize your presentation for yesterday, the one on spiritual health in your classes. You did it rather well, and you felt good about it… your spirit was satisfied. Consider this: your “racing” yesterday produced a presentation that you can use again, with little additional preparation. Just be aware when such an opportunity arises.

I see that you still have the stamina to “race” when this is necessary, even as, increasingly, you are not exhilarated by these multiple challenges. Just know this about yourself and try to avoid such situations, for these pressures are, finally, all of your own making. Each aspect of the “racing” scene is enjoyable and/or worthwhile, but that old bugaboo, time, has been crowding. Next week should be more restful, before you start the Survival series. But, then, remember all the cards that you have to write and send. Ah, me.

You must find some time to read the Teachings I have given you during the journey to Lenore. You haven’t been doing that, and it is an aftermath to this process that I want to happen. She is quite special to you, of course, and she is, to Me, also… and I want her to hear and react to what I offer to you. This is more than a suggestion.

Retirement is still not an attraction for you, but times like this can make it more so. I do want you in this teaching role for at least the years ahead for which you plan, so you must pace yourself more wisely in these years. I don’t want you to desire retirement before I approve of it, and so you must try to avoid these times of “racing”. You shall certainly survive this one, but you see that ones ahead could be even more stressful.

Don’t forget the visit with Elena that I suggested. The affluence she enjoyed as an active professional is diminishing fast, and I want you to be able to include some of what she has to say in the letter you shall write to the Dean and to all of those you saw and talked with at the Convention. I know this is another “lap” in the “race,” but it is an important one. Just know that it will be good for your spirit.

THURS., NOV. 4, 1993, 6:52 AM

This is a time of “racing through life,” o son. The convention and the visiting were somewhat pressureful, but the return home required you to speed up even more. And it will continue on through this week. Yet you knew you should be here for some thoughts from Me, even in the midst of these pressures to start and complete disparate tasks. I am your Guide, and I always tell you that time spent with Me is not time “lost.” Instead there is a mystical gain when you hear Me and . . .

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