
SUN., OCT. 7, 1990, 6:36 AM

One of the first sounds you heard this morning was that of softly falling rain. After a beautiful day yesterday, in which a number of people enjoyed your Farm, the rain falls, as predicted. Falling rain is part of a wondrous creation of Mine, called the water cycle. So, wouldn’t you like to hear more about rain, from the Holy Spirit, who can speak for and as the Creator God? I thought so.

As I created this planet I separated the water from the land, though, as you can see, this is more of a continuum than two distinct categories. That is, while you can see the middle of a lake as being clearly water and the middle of a desert as being clearly land there also are swamps and wetlands that are both land and water. As rain falls it changes some of the land from its dry state to mud. Rain is a blessing, but it can fall in such quantities that it seems to be a curse.

You know the Biblical myth of Noah and the great flood. From what you know of rain, earth, sun, and the water cycle that would not be possible, but the story offers you important spiritual truth. It is that the most valuable of God’s blessings can become a curse when it is in excess… when it is not properly balanced. When this blessing, water, covers all of the earth, life ceases to be, except that which I have ordained will be saved. Water is a blessing, and it comes down to the earth in the form of rain. As it is in excess, the dry land recedes and the balance that is desirable for human life is lost. Only when the sun shines fully again and dries the land by evaporating the water then life is restored with a better balance.

Hear the analogy that is not perfect, but apt. Human beings are a great blessing… certainly one of My best. I established procreation to be as important for human life as the water cycle is for all of life. When birth and death are in balance, like unto that of water and land, I see it as good. When there are too many conceptions without corresponding deaths it is like unto too much rain falling, with the land becoming increasingly “unusable.” The “rain of humans” is upsetting the balance in the earth. Human life is still a blessing, as is rain, but when it comes in excess…

Mostly I do not cause the rain to fall or not to fall. I do not cause the lightening to flash or not to flash. (You consider the days between Peter’s death and his burial to have been “blessed” for that activity. I won’t say you’re right, but I also don’t tell you to believe it was “just luck.” I remains in the realm of mystery.) I do not cause every conception to occur or not. I respond to prayers, but not always or even routinely. I mostly let the nature I have created function with its own balancing.

So, times of rain may be followed by times of drought. Then life continues because of water stored in or on the earth. The earth in this place has a good supply of water and yet it can still absorb more. When the sun returns the puddles shall recede, as the water moves down into the earth or back up in the air, to fall again, somewhere else.

When you commenced this Teaching the air was still and there was no visible movement of leaves. Then there was wind, with lightning and thunder. Now it is more quiet, with only gentle movement. The wind symbolizes a sharing. The water that falls as rain was drawn up in some other place, but it falls here. When the sun returns it shall evaporate water from your puddles and pond so that it may fall in some other portion of the earth. This symbolizes the sharing of blessings, which is a vital part of My creation.

SUN., OCT. 7, 1990, 6:36 AM

One of the first sounds you heard this morning was that of softly falling rain. After a beautiful day yesterday, in which a number of people enjoyed your Farm, the rain falls, as predicted. Falling rain is part of a wondrous creation of Mine, called the water cycle. So, wouldn’t you like to hear more about rain, from the Holy Spirit, who can speak for and as the Creator God? I thought so.

As I created this planet I separated the water from the land, though, as you can see . . .

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