Rain… Always Welcome?

SUN., OCT. 18, 1998, 6:04 AM

It has been many days of dry, beautiful weather. Now, just as predicted, the rain falls, gently and steadily. This has been a “thirsty land”… but is rain always welcome? Rain, as evidence of the water cycle, is one of My many blessings to this earth and its web of life. Creation certainly included several to many on-going “processes” that make continuing life possible. Rain is one of these… the redistribution of water so that growth and life can continue.

This that We do together is analogous to rain, as a spiritual reality. The rain was predicted. You said, to yourself and to Me, that if you were awakened in time you would welcome a Teaching. You were brought from sleep, partly by the rain, and the predicted sequence occurred. But, more importantly, as rain does refresh the earth, quite a complex “good”, I do refresh and reinvigorate you, as a specially “called” human, one whose spirit always appreciates the words, thoughts, and ideas that are your prime source of education now.

Yet in contrast rain can be excessive, with flooding, damage to property, and the cause of death for some… while I am never excessive. Even in Our “early days”, when I came to you each morning, it truly was not excessive. I established the fact that I could and would come to you, in the first hour of the morning, with a worthwhile Teaching in every one of these encounters. This was “necessary excess”, a proof that you had been selected as a “channel” that I could and would use. When it began to seem excessive I relented. Yet you now cannot feel comfortable with less than 3 Teachings in any week. You don’t cherish a flood, but you do love the refreshment. I am now… always welcome!

This rain would not have been as welcome if it had come down during yesterday’s football game. It was a pleasant day, and every one appreciated the dryness as Homecoming was celebrated. Yet your team lost, and thus it is possible that a rainy afternoon could have been to your advantage. Rain, for its many values, is not always welcome.

You have vowed, to yourself, (but I also did “hear”) that on a rainy day you would strive to clean up this study and restore some neatness to this important room. If it continues to rain today will you fulfill that welcomed vow? I do recommend it.

Rain is redistribution of water, this vital substance for the web of life’s health. Water has three forms, solid, liquid, and vapor. As ice, water can supply a pleasant coolness and can preserve food beyond its normal time of goodness. Yet ice represents cold, which can be treacherous and a cause of fatalities, injuries, and suffering.

As liquid, water is most useful… until it is in unwelcome excess. As vapor, water can make the atmosphere more pleasant… and, in excess, more humid.

In your spiritual/religious tradition I also have three Forms – God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. As Creator I have given solid substance to this earth, a unique “gift” from One Who is fundamentally spirit. As Jesus I was “solid”, but I provided the teachings and the actions that, like liquid, flowed forth to give another form of substance to earth life. As Holy Spirit I have no substance, but I Am the Counselor, Teacher, and Mystical Presence that insures that life is more pleasant. It’s not a perfect analogy, but interesting… don’t you agree!

You hope that you have put inside all that can be harmed, even ruined by rain. And you know how plants can still thrive, even as the warmth of summer shall soon be “gone”, with generous waterings – from above, not dependent on you, with hose or jug.

SUN., OCT. 18, 1998, 6:04 AM

It has been many days of dry, beautiful weather. Now, just as predicted, the rain falls, gently and steadily. This has been a “thirsty land”… but is rain always welcome? Rain, as evidence of the water cycle, is one of My many blessings to this earth and its web of life. Creation certainly included several to many on-going “processes” that make continuing life possible. Rain is one of these… the redistribution of water so that growth and life can continue.

This that We do together is analogous to rain, as . . .

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