Rainbow Is A Promise

SAT., FEB. 26, 1994, 1:07 PM

As I have told you often, o son, the flood, early in the life of this planet Earth, is a symbolic story. This means that it could have happened, and whether it actually did or not is not important. It just presents the truth (no, T) than I can create, and I can destroy. I am the Master of this realm, it is for My purposes, and I could “close it down” at any time. In this story I used that very precious substance, water, as the means of destruction. It rained continuously and all life was submerged except that which was saved by My elaborate and unlikely plan.

I then spoke to them directly. I showed them a rainbow, a beautiful creation out of sunlight and water droplets, that which is vital to the maintenance of life here. I told them it was the symbol of a promise… never to destroy life on the earth again by flooding. The water droplets represented the rain that had caused the flooding. The sunshine represented the end of destruction and the renewing of the central life force. There would be rain, for water is a necessity. There would be some flooding, because some excesses are to be expected. But then, before destruction, would come the sun… and the rainbow would herald this life-sustaining change.

Hear Me this day as I identify and comment on other symbolic meanings relevant to your time. One of these… human life in the Earth is coming to flood stage. You’ll notice that My promise was not just to the humans, Noah and his family, but to all of the life forms that had survived, representing the myriad forms of life that are presently in your ecosystem. I promised that “lesser” forms of life that they would not be destroyed by a flood. And then I say that human life and activity are like unto a flood, destroying other life.

My promise implies that I shall bring some form of “sunshine” to halt the human flood… but how can I keep this promise without seeming to be punishing humankind? I love humans, and I love babies, and I approve of much that has been devised and developed to help humans live longer and with less struggle. And yet I do see the destructiveness of this that I love… and I do love the whole of creation, continuously interacting, even more than humans alone. I have not yet decided on a particular action to stem this flood. I am just allowing some happenings that could be seen, eventually, to be part of “flood control.” More virulent viruses and drug resistant forms of microscopic life are now being allowed, as well as some violence, which tends to beget more violence. The balance in “a time to kill and a time to heal” is changing. Interpret this, even as it will be an unpopular, minority view.

Many in your culture would seem to have better chances of surviving to see the promise of the rainbow, but the other reality is that your contributions to the destructive flooding are more extensive than your numbers. The lifestyle, the expectations, and the “created needs” erode the levels of flood control. How can this be affected, without too much disruption of life? I certainly don’t want the remedy to be worse than the defined danger. But I did make a promise to all of surviving life. The rainbow is not just for humans.

Unfortunately, your dominant Christian theology does not like this interpretation. It has difficulty with My having responsibility for anything that jeopardizes human life and health… even shortens earth life. Many of your fellow Christians will deny that I would cause, or even allow, any happening or circumstances that reduce human numbers or “limit growth” in the economy. But I tell you that I must show forth “tough love” if I am to keep the promise of the rainbow to all of life.

SAT., FEB. 26, 1994, 1:07 PM

As I have told you often, o son, the flood, early in the life of this planet Earth, is a symbolic story. This means that it could have happened, and whether it actually did or not is not important. It just presents the truth (no, T) than I can create, and I can destroy. I am the Master of this realm, it is for My purposes, and I could “close it down” at any time. In this story I used that very precious substance, water, as the means of destruction. It . . .

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