Re-Reading IS Important

SUN., APR. 27, 1997, 6:35 AM

Yesterday morning you didn’t have a Teaching, but you did follow My urging to re-read some from this latest volume, early in this year. As you read them you realized how valuable these are to you… and how easy it is to forget what I have said to you, even a few months ago. You need to remember that I am communicating to you, and you are writing, so these are not your thoughts… they’re Mine. You are the transcriber in this “process”, so it is easy to forget what you have heard and written.

Hence a major “assignment” for you as you move into retirement from full-time teaching is more frequent re-reading of Teachings from years, even months, past. I want these to be one major influence on this new stage in your life. And, again, there is no cosmic reason for this. I am not grooming you for some late-in-life evangelistic role, nor do I want you to found some new sect. Actually I’m just having fun being a personal educator for you, who have had a good… continuing… career as an educator. I called you. You came. And we’ve both stayed, in the relationship… and I want it to continue.

When you think about it, it is pretty impressive to have now over 62 volumes of Teachings over a soon-to-be 18 year period. (Our anniversary comes up soon. Don’t forget it!) There is much validation of Holy Scripture in these volumes of Teaching, but also an up-date for you and your culture as the millenium approaches. The dates are not exact, but, symbolically, it soon shall be 2,000 years since I came into the earth scene as the baby, Jesus. Then came years of childhood, with only one story of Me, and that of disobedience to My earthly parents, in obedience to Me, as Heavenly Father.

Finally I was baptized, and I began an active ministry, with 12 chosen disciples. The New Testament tells of My short but somewhat effective ministry. But then came My death, a mystical amalgam of choosing to die and being put to death, at the insistence of My “own people”. Out of these came the religion of Christianity, which kept a relationship with the Old Testament, the Scriptures of the Jews but asserted that I, as Jesus, was the culmination of that story.

The Jews are forgiven for their rejection of Me, for they have perpetuated this original story of My being here in the earth, as Creator and Sustainer. At the same time they are not forgiven for blaspheming Me, as the Christ and the Holy Spirit. Both/And.

Thus the Scriptures tell one story of My presence and action in the earth for 2,000 years. And now nearly 2,000 more years have gone by… and presumably I have nothing more to say, in relation to an enlarged and burgeoning human population, with technologies beyond what could have been imagined in those Biblical times.

It is a Good that there are no more “official” Holy Scriptures. The Bible would be unmanageable if all that I have said over the past 2,000 years to a variety of people, some even more “undeserving” than are you, were collected and added to the Holy Canon. So there continue to be the “original Scriptures” translated somewhat differently (and I like this, including the “version” you read and study most). But, for you, and a few other humans who are influenced by you, there are these Teachings about life now, for you and in your culture.

You are not a prophet in the Biblical sense. I have told you this repeatedly. Yet some of what I teach you goes against your culture’s interpretation of My Will and Way. I also am telling some others of these concerns of Mine, but few write as you do… and persist as you do.

SUN., APR. 27, 1997, 6:35 AM

Yesterday morning you didn’t have a Teaching, but you did follow My urging to re-read some from this latest volume, early in this year. As you read them you realized how valuable these are to you… and how easy it is to forget what I have said to you, even a few months ago. You need to remember that I am communicating to you, and you are writing, so these are not your thoughts… they’re Mine. You are the transcriber in this “process”, so it is easy to . . .

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