Reaction To Criticism

SAT., FEB. 4, 1984, 6:12 AM

Welcome back, o son. You have been away from this meditation for more than a week, which is one of your reactions to criticism… from My point of view, the least desirable. But you are back now, and you are hearing Me. You are not getting up early and making up what you call a Teaching. I am speaking, and you are hearing and writing. And I am the Holy Spirit (even the Holy Ghost). So listen to My response to your reaction to criticism you have received.

Are you too sensitive to criticism about what you and I write? Yes, indeed. Still, it is not unexpected. You have not been criticized much in your life… and you have achieved partly to avoid criticism, even to receive praise, which is the functional opposite. Your immediate feeling is that at this point in life you don’t need this criticism. Why continue to do something that doesn’t bring all approbation? Well, the answer is quite simple, and you know it, even as you write it.

I have called you into this mission. I have chosen you specifically. This doesn’t make you “better” than other people, just chosen. I want you to hear and record these Teachings, and I want you to write and publish the letter you call Ruminations. You are to use My Teachings to you as the basis, and then you are to comment on what I say. I shall even guide you in the selection of a theme, and I shall be critical if I feel that you have not produced up to your potential.

The most troublesome criticism was expected, and was very gentle, really. You know that My servant Mabel hears Me differently, both in style and in content. Yes, that is of My doing. I say again that for My purposes, which are far beyond your understanding, I speak differently to different people, even those who are clearly servants… and friends… of Mine. My major task is to encourage spiritual growth in the diverse spirits, many of whom are here in the earth, and this cannot be done with one approach.

I want you to continue to read Scripture, even these “new” ones that I have given, in another strange way to these Latter Day Saints, with whom you are now associated. And I want Mabel to read and react to these letters of yours (Ours). In other words, despite the discomfort there may and will be for both of you, I want you to continue to be in contact and in communication. Withdrawing from her is no more desirable than withdrawing from Me. You each can have an influence on the other.

It is not your place to bring her to your understanding, but it is your task to let her know what you know and how you have come to this knowing. This shall continue to be an interaction that is somewhat painful to both of you, but that is how (as) it should be. Continue to receive these Teachings… and please return to your minimal organization so the original are not lost. They are not tablets that shall be scripture for all, but do acknowledge that these, in several forms, are of value to a number of souls. If only one person comes to know and acknowledge Me because of these, are they worthwhile? I’d answer Yes… and promise that it shall be more than one.

What is a proper reaction to criticism? A resolve to do better that which is criticized, certainly, but not necessarily to change. Know that there will always be many and diverse ways of seeing and acknowledging Me. I like this diversity. I do not want all people to look alike, to feel alike, nor to worship alike. That is what I tell you. Do I give the same message to every person, even every called Servant? No, I don’t.

There are different ways to Me. I am a God of many mansions. Since I am the only God, that must be so. I have no real competition. The different paths just make it appear that I am struggling with adversaries. But worry not… I am in control. Continue to grow in spirit as I guide you. Take the opportunities, professional and personal, that arise, and give little thought to those that do not work out. Continue to come and hear as I teach you.

The earth is the Lord’s and all of them who dwell therein. Yes, indeed.

An ancient Sabbath Shalom
7:30 AM